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Tilly's  p.o.v
I wake up to kisses on my neck I turn my head and find Camden's lips, he rolls on top of me and the kisses grow more urgent. We lie in each other's arms I'm panting the sweat going cool on my body, I turn to look at the clock it's only four am we get up and climb in the shower washing each other we get out and dry our selves off and putting a robe on
"I'm going to get a drink you want one baby?"
"Yes please orange juice for me" he kisses my cheek and walks out the room I change the bed sheets just finishing as he comes back, I take my drink and drain half the glass we get back into bed and lie down.
"Baby what do you think to having a pack Barbecue once a month gives us all a reason to get together and have fun, I was also thinking about a games room where the young ones can go you know have fun and it's still in the pack grounds"
"Baby I love how you think that would be great, do you want to do a pack meeting so that we can ask the pack what they think?"
"Yes I want them to have a say on what happens in the pack"
"You are a great Luna baby"
"Your a great Alpha honey" he kisses my head my eyes are closing and we fall asleep. We wake up to two little rascals jumping on the bed
"Mom, dad, mom, dad"
"Yes sweethearts"
"Are you getting up?" They continue jumping up and down
"Yes we are getting up" Camden says
"Can we go to the park?"
"I don't know" I can tell Camden is smiling
"Please please please"
"Ok ok but after you have breakfast now go pick out some clothes" they jump off the bed and run out the room, there always running we get up and get dressed Camden heads downstairs and I make my way to Emily's room, she has got out a pair of jeans and a jumper I get a vest and t shirt with some socks as well I dress Emily and brush her hair then plat it she looks adorable.
"Go downstairs and eat your breakfast"
"Ok mamma" she runs off I walk into Aaron's room and he has his trousers on the wrong way round I smile and walk over to him, I take them off and put them on the right way, then I put his shirt and jumper on I get some socks out the draws when he is dressed he is adorable
"Mamma I want my hair to stand up"
"Go downstairs and eat your breakfast and then daddy will do your hair"
"Ok mamma" he runs off I make there beds and pick up there dirty clothes and put them in the hamper with our bed clothes I pick the hamper up taking it downstairs, I see the kids eating porridge I go to the utility room and put the washing on, taking a seat at the table I eat my breakfast when Aaron finishes his dad does his hair, when breakfast is finished I clear the table wash up.
"Emily come here let me get your coat on" she comes running to me and I put her scarf and gloves, trainers and coat on, Aaron comes down with Camden his hair all done
"Look mamma"
"You look so handsome"
"What about me?" Emily says
"You look adorable" she smiles I put Aaron's scarf, gloves, trainers and coat on, Camden helps me into my coat and we are ready to go. We walk to the park and there is only one woman there with a small boy, the woman has long brown hair she is not very tall, we sit on a bench not far away from her, she is scared constantly looking around.
I tap Camden on the hand"
"What is it baby?"
"She is a witch a strong one" Camden goes to get up but I hold him back and stand up myself, I walk over to her bench and sit down.
"Hello my name is Tilly"
"I'm Ally"
"You know what I am?"
"Your a wolf a strong one"
"I'm a Luna and that man over there is my mate and Alpha"
"I'll leave I want no trouble"
"You don't have to leave what makes such a strong witch like you so afraid?"
"What how did you know I covered my sent?"
"I think I'm a senses need to look into it"
"Wow iv never met one of those" she sighs "some people want me for my powers for evil I only want to do good, I just got away with my life and Callum" she points to the little boy playing with Aaron and Emily "he is the only family I now have left"
"I'm sorry to hear that" just then Camden sits next to me
"Hi I'm Camden"
"Ally ,you heard the whole conversation"
"Yes I did what are you going to do?"
"Keep running"
"That's no life for a child"
"I have no choice"
"Baby what do you sense from Ally?"
"No danger just sadness and power" Ally looks at me shocked Camden sits there thinking after a while he speaks
"We can give you shelter until you decide what to do"
"Why would you do that?"
"In our pack we are strong loyal and kind my Luna sees you as no threat, we have a vampire in our pack on trial as his mate is a wolf she is in our pack, we aim to be different our pack is the most important thing to us, we do not just take anyone in but you need help and a child needs a safe place to be".
"That's really nice other packs would have made her choose, if your sure I would be happy to accept a place to stay with Callum until I sort myself out"
"We are happy to help are you ready to go? Where are your clothes and things?" She stands up and for the first time I see a duffel bag
"That's all you have?"
"Yes, Callum come here we are going" all three kids come over
"Mamma can we come play with Callum again?"
"You can play at home with Callum this is Ally they will be staying with us a while". We all walk home I hope the pack will be ok with this.

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