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Tilly's p.o.v
Opening my eyes I feel heat at my back and a arm wrapped around me, turning in his arms I trace his jaw with my hand
"Morning baby"
"Morning Camden" he goes to kiss me but I turn away he growls at me.
"I have morning breath" he laughs at me, grabbing my chin he kisses me placing my head back on his chest I listen to his heartbeat.
"What's your wolfs name?"
"Blake what's yours?"
That's a nice name would you like to go for a run today?"
"I would love to Camden, when do you want to move?"
"Whenever your ready but I do want you to meet the pack today I have to do a few things at the office, I'm not asking you to mingle just let them meet there Luna, you can also bring your grandparents so that they know who they are"
"Ok I will I have to do it!" I get up and brush my teeth I'll have a shower after our run, I make my way to the kitchen grandma is there.
"Morning grandma"
"Morning darling what are you up to today?"
"Well me and Camden are going for a run do you want to come with us?"
"Are you sure? Camden might just want it to be both of you" just then grandpa and Camden walk in.
"Morning honey"
"Morning grandpa" Camden wraps his arms around me
"Carl, Carol I really don't mind you coming with us on the run I want you all to meet the pack as well, I'm going to show Tilly our home together, I have some things to attend to with the pack"
"Ok then, now what would you like to have for breakfast?"
"Fruit salad grandma I'll make the coffee" after breakfast I better have a shower since we will be going straight to the pack after our run, I am nervous what if they don't like me.
"You ok?"
"Just nervous what if they don't like me"
"They won't like you they will love you just like I do"
"Your a charmer you know that"
"Only with you baby" he kisses me. Sitting there eating my breakfast I become very nervous that it makes me feel sick. I get up and run to the bedroom I can't do this I can't, so many people. Walking into the bathroom I look in the mirror "You really are pathetic Tilly" I whisper
"No your not" I spin round grandma is standing there she opens her arms and I walk into them. Holding onto her so tight I cry.
"Let it out my darling"she is rubbing her hand up and down my back, opening my eyes i see grandpa and Camden in the doorway, my crying becomes sobs turning away I wash my face.
"Girl time go do something useful" grandma says grandpa walks up to me and hugs me then walks out the door with Camden. Me and grandma sit on the bed "tell me what happened darling".
"I was sitting there just eating then I started to get nervous, when my nerves get to much they make me feel sick then the doubts come in. I start thinking I can't do this, I'm to weak, I'm not good enough" I smile at grandma with tears in my eyes.
"When you cry this helps?"
"Sometimes or sometimes I can cry for no reason I don't even know why I'm crying"
"Come you must finish your breakfast" I walk out behind grandma and go back to the breakfast table. Feeling a kiss on my cheek I look at Camden he places his hand on my cheek I lean into it more.
"I'm going for a shower baby"
"Ok" he looks at me with so much love then get up and goes to the bedroom, I'm on my own in the kitchen, finishing breakfast I wash the bowl and put it away.
"Hello" I walk into the front room
"Hi Storm"
"Hello Luna" I smile and slap his arm he looks at my neck and I blush he smiles
"What brings you here? not that your welcome anytime"
"I am here to meet your grandparents, I'm also your escort around the pack when Alpha is working"
"Oh that would be nice" just then grandma and grandpa walk onto the room "grandma, grandpa this is Storm Camden's beta".
"Hello Storm my name is Carol and this is my husband and mate Carl"
"Carl, Carol it's a pleasure to meet you both"
"Alpha" Camden walks up to Storm and slaps him on the back and does the man hug.
"Everything ready with the house?"
"Of course" they start chatting
"I'm just going to shower I'll be right back"I leave them all talking and go for a shower. I get dressed and walk out to see them all in the front room.
"Hi baby"
"Are you ready to go?"
"I am are you all ready?"
"Yes honey". Making our way out the back I go behind a tree and strip I let Alice take over, walking from behind the tree with my clothes in my mouth. Camden walks over to me and our wolves kiss, licking each other's snout. Picking back up my clothes I walk over to my grandparents and Storm. I take off running and I love the feel of wind going through my fur I feel a nip at my tail it's Camden then he is running beside me. We run for a while then I hear Camden through the mind link and I stop I forgot that would happen.
"You ready to go to the pack?" I lie down and Camden comes over to me, placing his head on my neck he lies with me giving me support. Opening my eyes I see that grandma, grandpa, Storm all lieing down around me, snuggling closer to Camden he puts his paw on my back.
"I'm ready" I mind link Camden he stands up and we go behind a tree and get dressed, everyone is dressed and we make our way to the pack. Camden is holding my hand while I have my arm through grandpas arm, I know I'm holding them really tightly but they just squeeze my hand giving me silent support.
The nearer we get the more I slow down until I stop, no one speaks we just stand there for a bit, taking a few deep breaths I start to walk again. I soon see houses and a few people, they look at us and I tighten my hold on them. I see a families face it's Jennifer I relax a little bit.
"You ok baby?"
"I'll be ok don't worry"
"I'll always worry about you baby I love you"
"I love you to Camden I'm ready" we start to walk ahead and Jennifer approaches, I smile at her
"Hello Luna".

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