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Tilly's p.o.v
We arrive at the mall and park up when everybody gets out I do have to laugh it looks like a row of jeeps, I look at the kids
"Don't let go of our hands ok there are a lot of people here ok"
"I won't"
"Good girl Emily" I look at Aaron He looks at the floor.
"I won't" good boy Aaron" I am a little worried Aaron seems to be quite, I'm hoping the more he is with us he will open up or start to relax. Walking into the mall I'm nervous myself, I keep thinking I'm going to lose them or something and is going to happen. Camden is looking at me I smile at him, I see a child's clothes shop
"Let's go in here" we walk in Emily pulls my arm we walk over or should I say I'm dragged to the pink dress she has seen everyone laughs
"Were going to take Aaron over to the boys section have some man time and get the little guy a new wardrobe" Camden says, grandpa and conner stays with me my grandma, and Sharon, grandma holds up a white dress with flowers on
"Do you like this Emily?"
"It's beautiful" she feels the dress a sales woman comes up to us.
"Can I help you?"
"No thank you"
"Ok if you need help I'll be over there, your daughter is adorable"
"I know she is thank you" suddenly Emily grabs my legs and holds me I kneel down
"You ok?" She nods her head with tears down her face.
"Talk to me" she is wringing her hands
"What if you won't like us and don't want us anymore"
"Oh baby is this why Aaron is sad as well" she nods her head I pick her up
"Will you keep picking clothes out I'll be right back"
"Of course darling"
My grandma says looking at Emily. Walking to the other end of the store I see Aaron sitting down Camden is trying to talk to him Storm looks worried and Stephen is picking clothes, walking up to them I set Emily on Camden's lap and pick Aaron up.
"Give us a Minuit Storm" he smiles and walks over to the clothes "Aaron darling" he looks at me do you want to tell me why your sad?" He shakes his head "do you want me to tell you why I think your sad?" He nods his head "you and Emily think that if you upset us we will send you away" Camden looks at me while Aaron nods his head I look to Camden
"Emily Aaron when we took you that meant forever there is nothing that could make us give you up ever, we love you you are now our kids, yes sometimes we will be upset with you just like other kids and there parents, but we will never send you away never leave you. We will always be there forever" the sales lady come over
"Is your son alright?"
"My son is fine thank you he was felling sad but now he is ok" she walks away
"Are you ok son"
"Yes d-dad" I have tears in my eyes he hugs Camden then holds his arms to me "m-mom
"That's right son" I kiss his cheek
"Mom, dad" Emily says
"That's right honey".So after our heart to heart the kids seem happy the clothes shopping takes hours, after we get a Mc Donald's we go get the kids beds which they pick out , time is getting on and the kids have school tomorrow we decide to give them a treat before we go. Walking into make a bear they look up at us and smile that's right there going to make there very own bear, me and Camden help them it brings us joy seeing the smile on there faces, when we finish we make our way back to the cars.
We make sure the kids are fastened in and close the door
"You both did well today I'm so proud of you"
"Thank you Sharon" I look back to the kids with a smile on my face they are playing with there bears.
"Let's get going" Camden knows me he knows I want to go, we get in the car and head home it was a good day we got the basics and a bit more we have five cars and they are full well apart from ours we have stuff in the boot but that's it, arriving home we take the kids out the car.
"Will you take the food in first we will just get the kids settled then come and help"
"Sure darling" we walk inside I get two orange juices and walk into the family room where the kids and Camden are settled on the sofa, giving the juice to the kids I look at Camden
"I put a movie on for them" Camden smiles at me I smile back
"We are going to put our new stuff away we will not leave the house if you need us call"
"Ok mom" they say my heart melts, walking into the kitchen I see the food bags everywhere.
"Come on lads let's get the beds built we need to move the others out first" Storm groans grandma slaps the back of his head everyone laughs
"Grandma" he rubs his head
"Don't you grandma me groaning about helping making my grand babies beds"
"Sorry grandma" he kisses her cheek nearly everyone calls my grandparents grandma and grandpa, once everyone has finished laughing they went to get the beds, I helped grandma and Sharon put all the food away that took a while, I was just pouring some drinks when the guys come down. Storm sits down.
"Before we relax can you get all the clothes bags and put them in there rooms I'll sort them tomorrow" Storm get up looking at me and I see grandma looking at him he runs out the door and comes back with the most bags he smiles at grandma she shakes her head smiling.
Walking into the family room I see the kids are starting to get tired
"Come on sleepy heads let's get you some cereal then bath and bed you have school tomorrow"
"Are we wearing our new clothes tomorrow? mom" Emily smiles
"Of course honey" Aaron holds his hands up to me he looks really tired I pick him up, in the kitchen I show them all the cereal for them to pick what they want, the both pick coco pops I sit them at the table and get there cereal. Half way through his cereal Aaron has his head in his hand and his eyes are half closed Emily is chatting to everyone.
"Camden will you bring Aaron I'm going to run him a bath"
"Sure baby" I go into Aaron's room through to his bathroom and run a bath going into his bedroom I get his pyjamas out I'm making his bed when Camden walks in
"I'll bath him you do what you need to do"
"Thanks honey". I finish making his bed and go to Emily's room and get her pyjamas and make her bed. Walking back to Aaron's room I see Camden putting his pyjamas on Aaron has his eyes closed, I pull the quilt back as Camden places him in bed I put his bear next to him and cover him with the quilt. Leaning over we kiss his cheek "Goodnight son" we walk out closing the door.

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