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Tilly's p.o.v
"Hey baby" why is he calling me baby? he should hate me he comes closer and sits down in front of me he wipes under my eyes which has more tears coming I'm about to lose everything. We mind link
"I'm so sorry Camden"
"Sssh it's ok"
"It's not I went to Susan's and the room they were in it was terrible"
"Baby I saw the room and was pissed off myself it was bad"
"Camden they lost there parents and for a year they must of felt so unwanted"
"I know baby but now they have us and they will never feel that way again that is a promise"
"Are you going to reject me?"
"What? no why would you think that?"
"I messed up I told you I was no good and now I have embarrassed you and myself but I couldn't help it, I just had to get to them my babies"
"Baby you did what any other parent would do"
"What am I going to do?"
"What do you mean?"
"How do I fix this?"
"Way I see it there is nothing to fix your a parent looking out for your cubs"
"I hope I didn't scare the children"
"No they are all outside now playing"
"Can I go out to them I'm my wolf form and play can we just say I wanted to show them my wolf"
"Of course baby come on".
Camden picks the children up and I stand up walking out to the playground I feel sick they stop playing and look at me then one kid shouts
"She's beautiful" I make my way over and he runs his hand through my fur soon all the children are chasing me I lie down and let them climb all over me there laughter is a joy to my ears after a while we have to leave I go into a room and change when they see me again they groan. Thank goodness grandma brought clothes
"You all be good now I'll see you again soon" I talk to the teachers and they have agreed that this week the kids will stay home give them time to adjust so with a last goodbye we walk home. I mind link Camden
"I don't want anything from that house"
"We weren't going to baby nothing good would come from that"
"Sorry I disturbed your work again"
"Baby you never disturb me all I did before I found you was work people are happy to see me out of the office"
"Oh well your welcome then" he smiles at me.
"Where did the others go?"
"I asked them to give us some space so that we could talk and hang out with the children" we come to a clearing with a stream.
"Let's sit for a while kids come and sit down we want to talk to you" they come walking over and sit with me and Camden" we sit there for a while just looking at the water.
The kids look at me "I have a chair at home that was at my our grandparents house, it means a lot to me cause my mom use to read to me in that chair, it holds good memories for me and now I get to read stories to you in it"
"Mom where is your mom?" Aaron asks
"My mom and dad are with your mom and dad in heaven"
"Where did you go?" Emily whispers
"I had my grandparents and you now have us you will always have us, did you ever remember objects that made you smile like me with my chair?"
"I had a blue blanket once" Aaron says
"I had a pink blanket" Emily sniffs I pick her up
"Don't cry baby girl I didn't mean to upset you the reason I ask is because I know where all your stuff is and I want to take you there to pick out and keep whatever you want" I hope I handled this right I really do.
"Are we going now?" Aaron asks
"Do you want to go now?"
"What about you Emily?"
"Yes" I look at Camden
"Ok let's go".
We walk home and get the car keys we climb into the car I made sure they were buckled in, we made our way to the storage unit, I'll admit I'm scared that they will be upset what am I thinking I know they will be upset. We pull up and get out taking the kids hands we wait for Camden to come back from the office.
He walks out the office and comes over to us
"Come on it's this way" we follow to a unit he opens the padlock pushing up the door I see everything has been packed properly and I'm grateful. We walk in and Emily goes to a white wardrobe with matching draws it looks like somebody painted flowers on them
"Who painted these?"
"My other dad" that makes my heart melt
"Do you want this in your room now" she nods her head I look at Camden with Aaron on his lap in a big chair and I mean big
"I fell asleep here lots with my other mom"
"Anything you guys want to keep you can" Camden says we stay there for five hours Camden went and got us some sandwiches and drinks by the time we sort through everything there are only clothes and a few furniture bits to go to the charity shops. We found there blankets, toys, photo albums it's a good job we have a big house Camden makes a phone call.
"Come here my darlings" I'm sitting in the chair there mother use to sit with them, they walk over to me I pick them up and place them on my lap
"You both ok?"
"Yes mom" they place there heads on my shoulder, Camden comes back and looks at us
"Picture time" he snaps away
"Do you want a picture with your dad?"
"YES" they hold there arms out to him, Camden picks them up I take the phone I must get a camera. He sits with them and I take the pictures, just as I finish two big vans with a jeep behind them come our way. When they stop I see Storm jump out with Brian and Stephen and conner in the other van then grandma, grandpa, Sharon get out the jeep
"How are my grand babies" they jump off Camden's lap and run to there grandparents grandma picks up Emily while grandpa is chucking Aaron in the air he is laughing while grandma and Sharon are telling him the repocussions of dropping him. I help the guys put everything in the van well I told them where to put it. Everything is loaded and ready to go, I look at everyone around us these kids are going to know so much love, just like I feel the love.
"Is everyone ready to go grandma, grandpa, Storm, Stephen, conner" I take a deep breath "ma, pa" they all look at me Sharon and Brian walk to me I'm nervous
"Oh honey you don't know how happy that makes us" I'm pulled into a hug by them both Brian kisses my head Camden is looking at me with a smile on his face.

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