The Dream.

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Tilly's  p.o.v
I didn't realise I had fallen asleep but when I come to you I see grandma in the kitchen and the kids even Callum sitting eating their breakfast Camden, Sophie, William and Storm, Ally are all asleep. I walk over to the kids.
"Morning" i kiss there cheeks and ruffle Callum's hair I walk up to grandma and give her a hug she hugs me back
"You okay darling?"
"Yes grandma thank you for everything you have done for the wedding" she goes to pull back but I hold onto her she hugs me back tighter I know she is mind linking grandpa as he walks in and takes me from my grandma he sits with me on the sofa Camden is awake. Everyone is awake and they watch me and grandpa I lay my head on his chest he smells of old spice I take a deep breath and close my eyes I feel the tears roll down my face Camden wants to come to me but I hear my grandma say
"She needs her grandpa" everyone leaves and Sophie and William take the kids I hear Sophie say that me and Camden will pick them up when we take them shopping.

Tilly's Dream
I'm standing in the middle of the woods by myself and suddenly I see two figures appear they walk towards me the closer they get I recognise them my parents we all break into a run and I'm soon in their arms I am crying they are crying
"Mum, dad" i cry
"Our beautiful Tilly" my parents cry
"I miss you so much"
"We miss you too honey but we have watched over you every day" I hold on so tight
"Please don't leave me I need you so much i fall apart when I can't see you"
"Oh baby we wish we could come back with you we can't we love you so much you make us so proud"
"I do?"
"Of course you do honey you never have and never will disappoint us"
"How do you know?"
"like we said we watch of you every day"
"I don't want to leave you"
"Baby you must you have a family and children with another one on the way"
"Your pregnant Tilly"
"I cant have a baby what if it turns out like me?"
"Then it will be a wonderful child"
"Honey you have come into your power"
"Daddy it scares me"
"I know honey but it shouldn't its a gift so you and yours will always be safe" i cry harder
"Mom, dad"
"Baby don't cry we love you we will always love you" i hold into them to me tightly i wont let them go
"Baby we have to go"
"No no no" they take my face in there hands
"Tilly you are a wonderful person makes us proud everyday tell grandma and grandpa we love them, tell Camden we approve and Tilly Emily and Aaron's parents say thank you for taking them in and being there mother" i cry in my parents arms as they dissapear
"We love you Tilly" then they are gone.
"Don't leave me come back" then i jolt awake, I'm sitting on grandpa's lap Camden is at my feet and grandma at sitting on the arm of the sofa.
"Tilly baby are you ok?" I place my hand on my stomach
"Camden am i pregnant?" We listen for a heartbeat and i hear one you have to listen really carefully, Camden picks up his head and smiles at me
"We are going to have another baby" he kisses me  "How did you know?"
"My parents told me" they all look at me I explained the dream to then my grandparents are crying and Camden is smiling at me and rubbing my belly he picks me up and places me on his lap he continues to rub my belly he kisses me.
"I love you baby"
"I love you to" we should go get the kids there is so much to do i want to go shopping"
"Ok baby you sure?"
"Im ok honey i feel good"
"Okay baby I will" then he leaves to get our children I sit with grandma and grandpa while I eat my breakfast.
"We are so happy for you honey"
"Thanks grampa but I'm scared what if the baby has my condition"
"I'm sure he or she won't but if they do they will deal with it like their mum does with strength"
"I love you both so much"
"We love you too honey"
"What are you doing today?"
"Well we have to go soon there are still some final preparations for the wedding and the birthday celebration and we are meeting with Sharon and Brian"
"You don't have to stay in till Camden gets back please go"
"Are you sure?"
"Grandma grampa go"
"Okay honey" they Kiss my head and then leave five minutes later Camden and the children walk through the door just i'm putting the bowl away.
"mamma mamma" they come running up to me
"Hello my babies" I kneel down and hold them to me "me and your dad have something to tell you both come and sit down" I look at Camden, honey starts talking
"Me and your mum are having another baby that means that you are going to have a brother or sister"
"I want a sister" Emily shouts
"No I want to brother" Aaron shouts
"Where is the baby mamma?"
"In my tummy"
"When will it be here?" Aaron asks
"In about four months"
"That's so long whines Aaron" I laugh at that
"We're going shopping go get your coats and shoes" they run off
"That went well I thought they would get upset"
"No baby that's a sign they are comfortable with us" he places his hand on my stomach
"I love you baby"
"I love you to".

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