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The burning rays of light shine in through my window, stealing me away from my sweet dreams. Arms wrapped around me, vanquish with a blink of an eye. My heart drops realizing the adonis from my dream never existed. I reach for my phone on my nightstand and see that I have over five missed calls and texts from the same number. It's Harry. A smile spreads across my face as I remember the events from last night. The green eyes, the tattoos, the soft lips. That's who my dream was about.

"You're tearing this family apart!" my mother screams from downstairs. No doubt she saw who Dad had on his lap last night. It's nothing new to me or my mother which only makes it worse. But I ignore the fact my family is falling apart and pretend everything is going to be okay. Because they will. Eventually.

"Go ahead, file a fücking divorce! I'll make sure you don't get shít!" and there goes my father, always rubbing his money in my mother's face. I really need to get out of this house.

Unhappy parents aside, I need to call Harry back. Calling Harry... pops up on my screen and out of nervousness, my hands get cold. The ringing stops.

"Hello, darling." His voice shoots butterflies into my stomach.

"Morning." I can't help but blush.

"You do know it's almost two in the afternoon, right?" he chuckles on the other line.

"But it's Saturday, so you can still say good morning until three." It's true.

"Is that right?"


"Well then good morning to you too, love." he says ever so sweetly. "What are your plans for today?"

"Hm, Netflix has got me booked until Monday."

"Darn, I hear there's a new art gallery downtown. Would have loved to go with someone." He beats around the bush.

"I can push back season four of 90210 to Sunday morning which leaves me free tonight." I can hear him trying not to laugh, but I'm not even kidding. Those are my plans for the weekend.

"Alright, darling. I'll pick you up at eight. I'm headed to the gym so I'll see you then." No, I want to hear his voice more.

"Ok. I'll see you later." And with that, I'm back in my room, alone, having to listen to the epitome of failed marriages. It's times like these I wish my brother wasn't living all the way in Miami. He always distracted me from the fighting and took me to get ice cream back then. But now, I have to deal with this myself. Just like he did.

I have about six hours to kill, so I can fit like five and a half episodes in if I skip the beginning credits. I wait until I hear my dad's Porshe drive off and I sneak downstairs to grab some snacks. Unfortunately, my mother is still in the kitchen drowning in her tears.

"Violet, I'm sorry about your father and I." She sniffles. "Sometimes couples fight, but it's normal to, okay? We love each other and most importantly we love you." I try to keep from rolling my eyes at her because we both know that's bullshit.

"Mhm, mom. I love you too." I fake a smile and grab the Doritos. "Oh mom, is it okay if I go out with Ashley tonight? She just got back from London and I'm dying to hear all about it." I mentally applaud myself for that seamless lie.

"Of course, honey. Tell her mom I say hi." Our moms do yoga together every Wednesday. I nod, knowing the message will never get to Ashley's mom and scurry back upstairs to begin my marathon.

✧ ✧ ✧

"What do you mean you got your first kiss last night?!" I have to distance the phone from my ear because Ashley's screams are deafening. I hit season four early and as promised, I will save it for tomorrow, so in the mean time I thought I'd let Ashley know of my big accomplishment.

"It was pretty amazing. I can't believe that's what I was missing out on all this time!"

"Who'd you do it with?"

"Um, he's a family friend." I do not want to screw myself over in the future if I tell her. I want this too much to risk it.

"So was it just a one time thing, or.." I can hear her crunching on some chips through the line which reminds me to go down and get some more.

"Hey, did you listen to the new 5SOS song?" that should distract her from this subject.

"AH! Yes! I don't think you understand how hard I cried during Michael's guitar solo!" Yup, that ought to do it.

✧ ✧ ✧

I spray a little more perfume and take one last look in the mirror. Everything looks good to go. I've got on my navy blue pleated skirt and a white knit sweater. It's simple, but cute. Before I can apply a little more nude lipgloss, Harry's calling.

"Hello, love." his voice purrs through the line. "I'm out front."

"Can you go a few houses down, I don't want my mom asking questions." The last thing I need are my parents mad at me too.

"Sure thing. I'll be waiting."

I grab my purse and go down the stairs as stealthily as possible. I make it to the front door with success, but of course the alarm system beeps because I opened a door. I aimlessly shout I'm heading to Ashley's and leave without hearing a reply. A few houses down, is a black range rover, tinted windows and blacked out rims. His car is almost as hot as him. But the guy leaning up against the car in a white t-shirt and tattoos trailing up and down his arm, is the one I want. He's fiddling with his necklace, the paper airplane one he had on last night. He's got one hand in the pocket of his black skinny jeans and he's tapping his scuffed up boot on the sidewalk. His head turns to me and he's got that damn smirk.

"Baby girl." 

A/N: Thank you so much for reading! And thank you so much for the feedback on the last chapter! Please comment and let me know what you think! Can't wait for the next chapter. Got something in store for ya guys! kay it's 4am and I need to sleep! Good night pretty people! xx

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