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Jesus, can the sun be any brighter shining through my window? I roll over and pull the sheets over my head to block the light. Oh god, my head is throbbing and I'm parched. I'm so hungover.

    "Good morning, Violet." Maria greets me as I enter the kitchen in pajamas I changed into a few minutes ago. I slept in my outfit from last night because who ever put me to sleep couldn't do me a favor and put some sweats on me. How inconsiderate.

    "Morning, Maria." I yawn. "Anything interesting happen?" I grab a bowl from the cabinet for some cereal.

    "Nothing out of the ordinary, Miss Violet." she wipes down the counters with a sponge.

    So no one heard the shouting last night?

    "Maria, can you make some of your soup that gets rid of hangovers? I really need it right now." I rarely ever get hangovers, but I bet you anything it is because of that damn jungle juice. I'm honestly surprised that I still remember everything from last night.

    "Of course." she smiles and gathers the ingredients for the soup.

    I rest my head on the cool granite counter top and close my eyes. This headache is going to be the death of me. I fall asleep for what seems like five minutes but I look at the clock on the wall and an hour has already passed. Fortunately, Maria left her soup on the stove and I get up to serve myself a bowl. I squeeze some lemon and sprinkle some oregano into the bowl before I stuff my face.

    "Someone's hungry." Harry walks through the kitchen doors dressed in black skinny jeans and a half buttoned up white shirt. My head shoots up and I wait for him to say anything else. He peruses the refrigerator and grabs an apple before picking a knife up to cut it up. The entire time his back is facing me.    

    "It's Maria's famous soup, it helps with hangovers." I mumble and continue to eat my soup hopefully without interruption.

    "If only it helped with your judgement." he chops the apple in half and the loud sound startles me.

    "My judgement? What's that supposed to mean?" I spit.

    He finishes cutting up his apple and quickly exits the kitchen leaving me question unanswered. I jump out of my chair and run after him into the foyer.

    "Hey! What is that supposed to mean? I didn't do anything wrong last night!" I cross my arms in front of his tall figure.

    "No you didn't because I showed up in the nick of time! You were going to let that boy touch you while you were in no shape to be giving consent!" his voice booms through the empty room and I don't that shake me. "How could you want to be with someone who would disregard your drunken state to hook up with you? That's disgusting." He steps closer to me and I let my arms fall by my sides because he's right. Sean should have taken me home, tucked me in, and left. He shouldn't have kissed me and told me he wanted to take me inside.

    "I just wanted to be with another guy, like you told me to do." I look up at him trying to keep back my emotion.

    "Darling," his hand caresses my cheek and his eyes are sympathetic. "You don't have—"

    "Good afternoon, Violet and Harry." my mother comes down the stairs in a floral kimono and her hair wet in a messy bun like she just took a bath.

    "Good afternoon, Mrs. Belmont." Harry greets her and distances himself from me.

    "Please, call me Kate." she floats down the staircase and gives us both a kiss on the cheek.

    "Well, I'm going to head out. I'll see you soon, Kate." he grabs his coat off the rack and leaves out the front door. My mom walks through the kitchen doors and I race after Harry outside. He can't just tell me one day to see other guys and then get mad at me when I do.

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