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I follow Harry downstairs despite my skirt, because pizza. Harry hands me the pizza and looks for his wallet while the pizza man patiently waits.

"Darling, can you hand me my wallet on the counter?"

"Yes, daddy." I grab the black leather wallet and turn back around to see both the pizza man and Harry staring at me like I'm crazy. Harry quickly finishes the transaction and closes the door and starts laughing his ass off.

"What? What is so funny?" I shove the first slice of pizza in my mouth. Harry controls his laughter to answer my question.

"You called me Daddy. In front of the pizza guy." He chuckles.

"You sure liked when I called you Daddy five minutes ago." He walks around the counter and places his hands on my hips,

"Yes, baby girl, that was amazing. But let's save it for the bedroom, because outside of it, is just a little too freaky." he laughs. When we were all over each other it was hot as hell, but just now saying it casually was a bit strange. I like the relationship in the bedroom, not in public.

"Yes, I agree." His soft lips peck mine. "Oh, can you help me with my skirt? I was going to ask you upstairs, but we got a little, uh, sidetracked." My cheeks heat up at the thought of our heady interaction. He smirks as he runs his hands up my legs all the way under my skirt. I'm lifted up and placed on the cold granite countertop.

"Mm, how can I be of assistance?" He hums.

"The zipper is stuck and I can't seem to shimmy out of it." I lift up the big t-shirt to let him have better view. He tugs relentlessly at the zipper almost pulling me off the counter top. Finally, the zipper gives way and I'm free from my skirt. He pulls my skirt down my legs and drops it on the dark slate floor. I'm let in his grey t-shirt and lavender panties. My dark hair falls in front of my face, covering my red cheeks. Hot hands run up and down my thighs while his bottom lip is taken in between his teeth. His warm breath fans across my lips making me lean closer to him.

"Harry," His lips make their way across my jaw, "The pizza is getting cold." I giggle. He chuckles against my neck, giving me a soft kiss where he left his mark.

✧ ✧ ✧

"You did not do that!" The tears from my laughter fall down my cheek.

"I swear to you!" His laughter only makes me laugh harder. We are sat on the couch in his living room, the only light coming through the windows, but I'm really blinded by his contagious smile. There's only four pieces left in the pizza box, but neither Harry nor I bother to stop talking to eat.

"You're insane!" I clutch my stomach and almost topple over in a laughing fit. He's telling me all about the crazy stunts he pulled when he was my age, egging his teacher on stage at graduation, sneaking backstage and successfully befriending the band, you know, typical seventeen year old stuff.

"Looking back, I'm surprised I never ended up behind bars." He chuckles, "Would have made a great story." Despite the poised demeanor Harry upkeeps effortlessly, he's actually such a goofball. The amount of puns he has told me is honestly funnier than the puns themselves. I would have never guessed, but I'm pleasantly surprised.

"Well, I don't have any crazy, running from the cops stories, unfortunately." I cross my legs indian style, leaning on my elbows looking over at him next to me. "Well, actually, my parents called the cops on me when I was fifteen because I hadn't come home for three days." I laugh "My friend Ashley and I got a hotel room and we didn't tell a soul. It was one of the best experiences of my life. Just doing what I wanted and not having to worry about anything." Harry's arm slides across my back, pulling me closer by my waist.

"Well, if you ever run away again, I leave the key under the mat." I rest my head on his chest, taking in the moment. It's well past three, we're sat on his couch, basking in the moonlight.

"You were my first kiss." It seems like an okay time to spill the beans. His head shoots up.

"What?" Not the reaction I was hoping for.

"Are you mad?" I look up at him and he's wearing that smirk.

"Mad? Why in the world would I be mad, darling?"

"Because most boys don't like messing around with a prude." I shrug. When Harry took me to the foyer last night, I didn't want to screw it up by stating my lack of experience. It's proven to be a turn off.

"Oh darling," He holds my face in his hands, my dark hair . "You're my good girl. Only mine."

"I'm your good girl, daddy. Only yours."

A/N: Okay, sorry for the short chapter. I've been super busy with college stuff. Thank you for reading, really guys. Like thank you so much. 

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