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"Hey, did you get the last slide?" the boy from behind me asks. I turn around and his blue eyes completely catch me off guard. His smile is captivating and I find myself staring rather than answering his question.

    "What?" I can feel my cheeks heating up and I suppress my smile.

    "Did you get the last slide?" his whisper is a little raspy and I melt inside.

    "Uh, yeah I did. You can, uh, um, copy it down." I hand him my notebook and I quickly turn around so he can't see my cherry red cheeks.

    "Here you go," he hands it back. "thanks."

    I continue taking notes like nothing happened, like Parker Balinksi didn't just ask me for my notes.

    He's sat behind me all semester and even though my head is literally right in front of his face, I don't think he's ever noticed my existence. He's on the football team so he's just a hot guy you can only look at because you'd have to be an obnoxious cheerleader or on the football team to talk to him. The school worships the ground he walks on, but if it wasn't constantly drilled into our minds how great Balinksi is, I wouldn't have a clue who he is. He doesn't bask in the glory. He doesn't remind people of the amazing play he called last Friday or look down on everyone else. He's very quiet in class despite his football friends constantly cracking jokes in the back and talking back to the teacher.

    The bell finally rings ending fourth period and I feel a sense of relief. Time for lunch and an update on what has happened since I last saw Ashley and Juliana in first period. I grab my backpack and head out of the classroom.

    "Violet, right?" Parker walks up next to me as I walk out of the classroom.


    "Thanks for the notes," his voice gives me butterflies. "I just wanted to say you have really nice handwriting."

    I have nice handwriting? Parker Balinski came up to me to compliment my handwriting?

    "Oh, uh, thanks." I laugh.

    "Yeah, mine looks like chicken scratch." he laughs and scratches the back of his head like he's trying to figure out what else to say.

    "Well, I have to head to my locker downstairs," I point to the staircase I take to go to my locker. "I'll see you later, Parker." I smile.

    "Yeah, I'll see you later, Violet." his smile is just so perfect.

✧ ✧ ✧

    The line for Chipotle is outrageously long, but Ashley has been craving it all week. So as the good friends Juliana and I are, we're waiting in this line. The restaurant is filled with business men on lunch break and fellow seniors exercising their off campus privileges. The blonde woman in front of us in line is on the phone asking what they want from Chipotle. She's being obnoxiously loud so it's kind of hard not to eavesdrop.

    "Do you want guac?" she asks. "Alright, what's your new apartment number, again? 817? Okay, I'll be there in a little." she hangs up the phone.

    Juliana silently points out the girl's outgrown roots and mimes a face of disgust. Ashley and I both laugh because she's long overdue for a salon appointment.

    The lady's phone starts ringing again and all three of us moan in annoyance.

    "Yes?" she answers. "Same thing, but in a bowl? Alright, Harry. Bye." she hangs up and Ashley and I just look at each other.

    "What?" Juliana is so out of the loop.

    "Um, Violet, you want to tell her?"

    Ashley is in the backseat eating chips and guac as Juliana tries her best to keep up with the silver Mercedes ahead of us. No one has said a word since we left the parking lot with the one single goal to find out just who this woman is. She makes a right at the next light which is the street Harry lives on. My stomach is in knots and I'm preparing myself for disappointment.

    "Should I pull in or park on the street?" Juliana asks as we watch the silver Mercedes drive into the parking garage.

    "Park on the street, but a couple blocks down so he won't see us from the window."

    Ashley puts her food away and we all get out of the car. Walking up to the front doors of the building makes me second guess this. Should I really go up to his apartment and see who this woman is? It feels a bit overbearing and obsessive. Should I wait until we see each other next to ask him about it in a calm, collected tone? Am I too afraid of the embarrassment that Harry is actually seeing another woman?

    "What's wrong?" Ashley asks.

    "I don't think we should do this, guys."

    "Vi, this girl is literally bringing your man Chipotle. You said yourself, he's never mentioned he has an assistant or even a sister. You need to do this or he's just going to keep lying to you." Juliana puts her hands on her hips.

    "But this isn't me. I'm not going about this how I should. I'm going to ask him about it when I see him next time. It's not like we are dating, anyways." I shrug my shoulders and I just want to be in the car on the way back to school.

    "Fine, but you have to confront him about it. No excuses because you deserve to know." Ashley tells me. "No matter what your status is, you obviously both like each other so he has no excuse to disrespect you like that."

    I devoured my Chipotle bowl on the way back to school. I also mentioned that Parker Balinksi complimented my handwriting during class. Both girls squealed in approval and it just made me feel like Harry wasn't going to be good news.

A/N: sorry it took so long and sorry it's kinda shïtty but idk where I'm going with this story anymore

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