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My mother is standing in the foyer with her arms open wide and I can practically smell the red wine from the top of the stairs. My beating heart calms once I realize she probably wouldn't even notice if Harry walked out here in his boxers.

"Yes, mom?" I ask from the stairs keeping an eye on my door.

"I just love you so much, you know that right?" she whines and makes her way up the stairs, stumbling over her own feet. I run down the stairs to help her up so she doesn't fall backwards.

"You need to get to bed before you knock yourself out." I pull her up the stairs and walk her carefully to her bedroom. It's at that point where she collapses on the bed and instantly falls asleep. Thank God, she didn't come home any sooner. I might not have heard her shouts over my screams.

"Everything okay, baby girl?" I whip around to the door and almost scream at him.

"What are you doing? Go back to my room!" He's standing shirtless in my house with red scratches on his shoulders and disheveled hair. It's not hard to deduce what happened in my room. Especially with me in nothing but a t-shirt and underwear. I pull the covers over my mother and quickly drag Harry back to my room.

Before I can open the door, Harry pushes me up against the door. His hands hold me still by my waist and I gasp, taken aback by his sudden actions.

"I never want to stop touching you." he whispers in my ear. I wouldn't mind feeling his hands run over my frail body every second of the day, but unfortunately we can't always get what we want.

"Harry, stop. You need to go before my dad gets home." I grab a hold of his roaming hands and place them by his side. His lips are still kissing my neck and he's still whispering dirty little things to me. I'm trying my hardest not to give into his alluring touch.

"We've got a little more time." He grabs a hold of my hips and pulls me into his. I could feel him. It startled me, but at the same time made me want him even more. This man was going to drive me insane. "Do you feel that, darling?" he growls in my ear and I lean into him even more. I nod my head and look up at him, waiting for further instruction.

"No, we can't. We really can't, Harry." I place my hands on his chest to keep him from changing my mind. My father could be on his way home and if he sees Harry's car still in the drive way, I won't know how to answer his questions.

"Baby girl, you're such a fucking tease, you know that?" He grabs both my wrists in one hand and leans into me. "You tease me with your curiosity and kill me with your innocence." my heart races at his words. He releases my hands and I immediately place them on his chest and look up through my lashes. I hate him for being able to have his way with me.

"Tell me what to do." I whisper so softly I can barely hear myself. He smiles at my words and places a kiss atop my head before he leads me to my already disheveled bed. He takes a seat at the end of the bed and I stand in front of him while his dark eyes scan every inch of my body.

"C'mere." He reaches out for my waist and I sit in his lap, either leg on each side. "You're irresistible, you know that?" No, I didn't. I don't know if I quite agree either. Lips kiss my neck and I'm pushed forward by his strong hands, causing my hips to push against his. This earns a low moan from the dominating man holding me by the waist. The cologne he's wearing makes me want to surrender myself to him right there.

"Tell me what to do, Daddy." I moan in his ear.

"Oh, baby girl," He growls, the space in between us almost nonexistent. My hands are roaming through his hair while his are under my dress, grasping my butt. I feel his crotch grind against mine, making me whimper at the sensation. Suddenly, he grabs my hands and places them on his bare chest, insinuating that I let them wander lower and lower. I trace the art on his tan chest with my fingers and follow his trail of hair from his belly button down to the band of his boxers. I feel giddy, yet hesitant at my next move.

"Darling, it's okay." He places his hand over mine, comforting me. I look up at him through my lashes and pull his boxers off.

And there he is. My friends told me they weren't pretty; they were quite ugly in fact, but this one was...nice. I don't stare much longer before I look back up at Harry with uncertainty of what to do next.

"What now, Daddy?" I bite my lip out of habit and he releases a heavy sigh. He is beautiful. His face flush, his hair pushed back in a mess and his chest rising and falling erratically. My eyes are wide and innocent waiting for his response.

"Fuck, put your mouth on me, baby." He hisses as he looks down at me. I do as he says and taste him for the first time. I begin sucking on the tip but he encourages me to go further down. My tongue rubs against him and I feel the tip nudge against the back of my mouth. This isn't so bad. I take him deeper until I start to gag and I hear him groan in pleasure.

"Just like that, keep doing that for me, baby." he moans from above me and it only encourages me. His fingers weave into my hair and he gently guides my head up and down. Moans fill the room as I continue to take him deeper and deeper.

"Vi, baby girl, I'm close." he's says out of breath. "stop if you don't want it in your mouth." I debate whether or not I should because I've heard stories about this stuff. Why the hell not.

"Fuck! Baby!" he shouts as he releases in my mouth. He runs his hands through my hair one last time before I get up and wipe my mouth. I look at him, waiting for him to tell me how I did.

"You're such a good girl for me." He leans down to kiss my lips. "You're an angel."

A/N: GUYS. THIS BOOK HAS COME TRUE FOR ME. Of course it's not Harry Styles but it's a fucking hot and successful 25 year old (I'm 18) and like holy shit. If you want to know what's going on, go to my message board because I'll post the whole thing there. Anyways, SO SORRY FOR THE ETERNITY IT TOOK TO POST THIS!! I'm in college so it's challenging finding time to write, but I am not going to stop writing!! I really love this book and want to finish it no matter how long it takes! Thank you so much for reading! Anyone listen to the new 5sos album? Favorite song?

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