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My father drives off with Bill before Harry and I are even seated in the car. Oddly, there has not been much conversation between the two of us. But now that we're alone, things might change.

"It's been ages since I last saw you, Violet." his deep voice breaks the silence in the car as I pull out of the drive way.

"Yeah, almost two weeks."

"You didn't even text me."

"The phone works both ways, you know."

We sit in silence for a couple blocks and I regret the sass in my tone. I just wanted to let him know I'm not going to put more into this than he is. Just because he is older doesn't mean I'm going to get on my knees and kiss his feet. We are equal despite the age gap.

"Do you mind if we stop at Starbucks?" he asks

"Sure." I mumble and pull into the parking lot of the coffee shop. It's not hard to feel the bitter energy Harry is giving off. It is making me very uncomfortable and I find myself wanting to apologize for what I said in the car. I didn't even say anything in the slightest offensive, but if it really makes him that mad, maybe I should apologize.

Harry walks up to the cashier and orders his coffee while I try to figure out what to get. I feel like the menu here keeps getting bigger and bigger.
As Harry finishes his order and walks to the other end of the counter, a high pitched shriek pierces my ears.

"Harry!" my head whips around and bottle blonde with a killer body runs up to Harry and dramatically wraps her arms around him. He has a stupid smile on his face as he talks with her and I can hear him being his charming self. I find it interesting that she cannot keep her hands off him. Her hands run up and down his arms and she continues to lessen the space between them. It's sickening to watch. They've totally fücked.

I decide it would be better not to get anything and go stand by Harry. Maybe he'll introduce me to his little friend. As I walk up, the blonde and I make eye contact.

"Oh by the way, you left your grey tie at my place last time." she tells Harry all the while never breaking eye contact with me. I feel very intimidated.

"Well, I should get going. Let me know when you want to come over and get your tie." She wraps her hand around the nape of his neck and gave him a wink before giving me a nasty glare. Harry gives her a kiss on the cheek and promises to stop by soon. He watches her walk out the glass door the barista calling his name only taking him out of his trance.

"Ready?" he turns back to me, the smile he was previously wearing is nowhere in sight.

✧ ✧ ✧

The ride to the office is continued in silence. I should not feel this overwhelming pang of jealousy that I feel right now. He has every right to see other people, as do I, but just the explicit of that whole exchange does not sit well with me.

"Is everything okay? You have been awfully quiet tonight." Harry breaks the silence and I push away my thoughts like a girl hiding her diary from her intruding mother.

"Of course, why wouldn't it be." it comes out like second nature.

"You don't seem fine. Did Shannon bother you?" that horrible feeling came back at the mention of her. A plethora of excuses ran through my head of why I would be acting "weird", but none of them seemed believable so I didn't reply.

"Is someone jealous?" he's ecstatic, but I could never give him the satisfaction.

"There's nothing I'm jealous about." I spit. "She's long overdue for a bleach and tone." I have never been one to insult someone to make myself feel better, but it just came out.

"You're definitely jealous, darling." he leans over the center divider, but I keep my eyes locked on the road. I pull up the building and stop in front of the main entrance.

"You can get out. I'm going home." my eyes avoid his gaze.

He quickly deserts the seductive act and worry fills his eyes. "Darling, is everything okay? I was just teasing you."

"Harry, can you get out please?" He said he was playing, but he still left his tie at Shannon's place.

"I'm not leaving you when you're clearly upset. Is this about Shannon?" he rolls his window down and turns the radio off.

"It's nothing. I don't want to talk about it, Harry. And I don't think you want me to talk about it."

"You can tell me anything, love." he places his hand on my thigh in a comforting manner.

I watch his thumb rub my knee and I put the car in gear and drive out of the parking lot.

✧ ✧ ✧

The asphalt ends at a mangled chain link fence warning trespassers of the terrible fines that await them. The car's headlights illuminate the dirt path leading a steep cliff that overlooks the Pacific Coast Highway. I just found this place last week when I got lost on the way to my yoga class.

"Have you come here to murder me? Is that what you can't talk about?" Harry laughs beside me and I can't help but crack a smile despite my overwhelming thoughts.

"Harry, I'm just going to say what I'm thinking because I don't know how else to communicate what is going on in my head." I lean my head back on the head rest and take a deep breath. I've never made myself so vulnerable the way I have with Harry.

"We met about two weeks ago, right?" He nods. "To you, I know I'm just another girl and you're doing things you've done a thousand times with me. It's almost routine, but to me, you're this devilishly intriguing man who has finally opened this door that's been locked for years. You've awakened something inside me and that makes you kind of special. You call me your good girl and maybe you call every girl you're with that, but I've never experienced that and maybe I'm too naive and inexperienced to know how to separate feelings from sex, but just the thought of you treating another girl the way you treat me makes me sick. I get this knot in my stomach like when I fail a test and my chest tightens. I don't know why, but that's how I feel and I just thought you should know. And maybe this is really stupid of me to say, but I don't know what I should and shouldn't tell you so I'm just going to be completely open and honest with you because what harm can come out of being honest?"

The car is silent for a good five minutes.

Harry runs a hand through his hair before turning to me, "Violet, we've known each other for two weeks. You're a great girl as far as I know, but love, we've only known each other for two weeks. You can't get attached to me. It's only going to bring you misery. I promise you."

His words hurt. They hurt more than I expected them to. Maybe it's because I was expecting him to understand where I'm coming from and find it cute, but instead he gives me a warning. A warning saying that I need to stop my mind from feeling things when I'm with him. I need to disregard the butterflies, the weakness in the knees, the blushing cheeks.

"Maybe we should just stop this now." my voice is flat.

"I don't think that's what either one of us wants." His hand is again on my thigh, but in a lustful manner now. "You need to see more guys. That will keep you distracted from me." I freeze at his suggestion. See other guys? Guys barely see me walking through the halls which is why I'm always getting pushed into the lockers.

"Ok." I whisper and he leans in and gives me a kiss. A soft kiss that lingers on my lips once he pulls away. Then a heavy kiss that steals the breath out of my lungs. Then a teasing kiss that makes me hit the gas and drive to his place.

A/N: HEY GUYS!! I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to update but I'm in school and life is just very time consuming. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING AND COMMENTING AND VOTING! I was barely at 2K reads a month ago and know I'm at almost 30k!! It's insane and I hope you guys like the book!

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