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snapchat: @serenadahling instagram:@serenadarling

American Government class is extremely boring today. It's boring everyday, but today it's completely unbearable. We are learning something about Congress, but I tuned out a while ago. Not really knowing anyone in this class just makes it worse. Sean is in this class and in fact he sits next to me, but ever since that night, we don't really talk anymore.

I raise my hand to use the restroom, but my teacher refuses to let me leave.

"This is the third time you've needed to use the restroom." Mr. Peters raises his eyebrow at me. Yeah, it is because this class is so boring, I need to leave the room every ten minutes so I don't kill myself. But I can't tell him that.

"I personally feel victimized when you bring attention to the amount of times I've used the restroom." I politely say.

"Miss Carlin, that's enough. You've used the restroom more than enough and if it is an emergency, you will have to see the nurse."

"It's definitely an emergency." I reply immediately. He rolls his eyes and writes me a pass.

Teachers really think these slips work. They think they are so clever writing the time we left, but it's completely irrelevant if I never go to the nurse's office. There are fifteen minutes left of fourth period anyways so it's not like I'm going back to class. My next periods are equally as boring if not more boring than American Government. It's not like my teachers love me enough to notice my absence.

I head downstairs to my locker and put my books back. The hallways are empty but give it another ten minutes and they'll be crawling with kids who act like they know where they're going but really they're clueless and terrified.

Once I hear that bell ring, I shut my locker and book it out of there. Thankfully, the parking lot isn't gated or I'd be screwed. It's a beautiful day out. The sun is shining, there's a slight breeze, a perfect day to sit at home and finish up college applications!

✧ ✧ ✧

I've been working on these applications for the entire afternoon and I'm quite proud of myself. For once, I didn't fall asleep within the first twenty minutes. I pretty much finished everything up, I just need to write those stupid essays on why I want to attend the university. Those are just so stupid because are they really going to determine whether I get in based off how well I edify their school? It's scary to think I'll be submitting these in a few days. At least I won't have to worry about them anymore.

Harry has been very affectionate lately. He's been sending me good morning texts and saying how he misses me in the middle of the afternoon. I'm not complaining but does this mean we're together? I know we are exclusive, but are we a couple? Because if we are, I have so many cute couple dates I want to go on, but at the same time holy shít I'm in a relationship and I've never done this before. I try not to think about it and just go with the flow, but I'm scared it will end up biting me in the end. But if I don't think about it and don't ask questions, isn't that what guys want? They don't want a girl who's constantly asking what they are and pressuring them into a relationship, I mean that's what I've picked up from society. I'm not anxious to be in a relationship, in fact, I don't even think that's what I want. But I want to be with him and just him. Gah, I don't fücking know.

I close my laptop and head downstairs to grab some food. Mom's home, but she wouldn't care much if I'm home early. I can tell her that it's National Pie Day and we got the day off and she wouldn't question it.

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