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The hallway is dimly lit by rustic metal sconces on either side of each apartment door. Harry's hand is slipping lower and lower, the closer we get to apartment 817. My boots are clicking with every step I take almost keeping in time with my racing heart. The butterflies finally fly free in my stomach when Harry stops at the door. He turns his head towards me and gives me a look. His green eyes dark with lust and his lips red and swollen from the time we had spent in the car. God, I want him. I want him so bad and he knows it.

    I lean against the wall next to the door and look at him. His hair is a bit messy from my hands and the first two buttons of his shirt are open. His tattoos are peeking through and I take my finger and run them across his collar bone. The entire time his eyes are studying me.

    "Darling, can't you wait until we get inside to seduce me?" his whisper is deep and intoxicating. His whole being was intoxicating. I felt my body ache for his arms to be wrapped around me.

    "Maybe if you opened the door." I looked up at him through my eye lashes and instantaneously I hear the door click open.

    He takes my hand and leads me through the dark. The bottom floor of his loft is drenched in the moon light. The night sky is a dark shade of purple from the lights of the city. His boxes are still scattered around the room and the couch is covered in laundry that probably needs to be folded. God, he needs a maid.

    Harry stops in the middle of the staircase up to his bedroom and turns to look at me, "My God, you look gorgeous in the moonlight." He grabs the back of my neck and pulls me in for a rough kiss. He teases my bottom lip with his teeth and pulls back. His green eyes are illuminated from the moon pouring through the glass windows. My heart is racing, I want him. I feel so lucky because I think he wants me too.

    No more words are spoken between us. I step past him with his hand in mine and lead the way to the bedroom. Light from the living room doesn't reach upstairs leaving us in the dark. I take a seat at the end of the bed as he stands directly in front of me. His hands run through my hair and down my neck to my shoulders. I close my eyes as he places his right hand on my cheek. His thumb tugs on my bottom lip and I open my mouth to take it between my teeth.

    "Baby," he breathes out. "fück, I want to see your lips wrapped around me." His fingers entwine with my hair and he pulls my head back. "Get on your knees, baby girl."

    Obeying his command, I unbutton his jeans and look up at him. His cheeks are flushed and his eyes are dark, focused on my lips. He runs his fingers through my hair and pulls it back out of my face. He guides my head toward him and I take him in my mouth. Harry groans above me and his grip on my hair tightens. I let my tongue run up his shaft while I look up at him through my lashes.

    "Fück!" he lets out a loud moan and pushes me further causing me to gag. I pull back and take a deep breath, preparing to take him deeper. The sound coming from him is beyond arousing and I love making him feel this way. He's unraveling under my touch and it's empowering.

    Harry pulls me off and I lean back on my heels looking up at him as wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. I'm lifted off the floor and tossed onto the bed. Harry quickly tugs my skirt down my legs and slides his hands up and down my thighs.

    "I want you." I whine under his touch. I don't feel sober at all. I feel like I just downed a shot or two. I'm not thinking straight.

    "Yeah?" He smirks and I know he's happy to hear those words. "How bad?"

    "So bad" I'm panting and gripping the white sheets in anticipation.

    "God, I want to fück you." his fingers dance along the waistband of my underwear and gently pull them down to my ankles.

    His eyes are dark with lust and I feel him tease my entrance with his fingers. I can't help but buck my hips in his direction and bite my lip at his teasing. He finally gives me what I want and I nearly scream at the pleasure. I look down at him and he gives me a smirk knowing he has complete control over me. My arms don't know what to do with themselves so I grip the sheets with all my might. Harry's fingers move faster and everything else is blocked out. All I'm aware of is the pleasure. My cheeks are on fire and I feel so close to this edge he brought me to last time.

    "Does that feel good, darling?"

    I nod my head rigorously getting closer and closer.

    "How good does it feel? Tell me." he's crazy if he thinks I'm about to have an intellectual conversation right now. I don't speak and slows his movements down.

    "Tell me."

    "You make me feel so good, daddy." He moans at my last word.


    "Daddy, I can barely speak because of you. You take me somewhere I can't explain." And with that I reach my peak and savor the feeling. I feel like I just rode a rollercoaster or ran a marathon without all the cramps. I look down at Harry and he has a smug grin on his face. I blush and pull the sheet over my exposed body.

    "You're beautiful. Fücking exquisite." He lays next to me in just his boxers and drapes his arm around my stomach. I catch myself falling asleep and I go to put my clothes back on.

    "What are you doing, love?" he asks from the bed, watching me throw my shirt back on.

    "Just putting on some clothes. It's a little chilly in here." I walk back to the bed and bury myself in the covers. "Good night, Harry." he gives me a small peck and I drift off to sleep.

    ✧ ✧ ✧

    "Harry! It's me! God I miss you! Please answer the door!"

A/N: Sorry it took so freaking long for this update. It was the last month of school and I was just so busy with everything. Also I apologize for the briefness of this chapter. It took forever to write because nothing seemed good enough so I hope this is good enough. I have a lot planned and a lot more time so hopefully I can update sooner. Hope you guys liked it and thank you for reading, voting, and commenting!!!!

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