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Tears are forming in my eyes from laughing so hard. I put my hand over my ears to stop the horrible singing. I reach to turn the radio down, but he gets to it first and blasts it even louder.

"COME ON BE MY BABY, COME ON!" he sings even louder and more out of tune while he runs a stop sign.

My stomach hurts so much from laughing I'm silenced to catch my breath.

    "We should definitely go to karaoke." he smiles at me and I wipe the tears of laughter from my eyes.

    He turns the radio down when the song ends and reaches across to rest his hand on my thigh. His touch electrifies my heart and I let my hair fall to cover my red cheeks. He gives me a rush that I can't control. It feels like we are the only two beings on the planet and nothing else matters. He drives right through the red stop sign and even though there's no one on the road, I still get a small wave of nerves from the rebellious act.    

    "Where are we going?" I shout over the loud music.

    "I have no idea!" he zooms down the empty street and blows past stop signs.

    In that moment it felt like the world had stopped. The responsibilities I had weighing me down vanished into thin air. I felt free and liberated from the dark realities of my world. I am fully in this moment with him and I never want to leave.

    The cool wind against my cheeks ignite the molecules in my skin and remind me that I am a person. I have nerves and feelings and I am here with this beautiful boy living out my life. Tonight is a night I will remember and tell stories about because it is a night where I feel immortal, but so mortal at the same time. I am immortal for as long as I am here.

    "Oh fuck!" he shouts next to me and his attention is in the rear view mirror.

    I turn around and see blue and red lights close behind the car. My heart is racing and I can't help but smile because the adrenaline has taken over. I wouldn't mind going home in the back of a cop car with him tonight. Everything is okay when I'm with him.

    He pulls the car over to the side of the lonely road and turns the car off. We're sat in darkness and he turns to me with a look I can't decode. His hand reaches across and he grabs the back of my neck and pulls me in for a kiss. I guess he's feeling the adrenaline rush too.

    "I've been wanting to do that all night." he says in a whisper. He kisses me again and my heart is fluttering.

    There's a knock on the window and and he quickly lets me go and gives his attention to the police officer. The automatic window rolls down and the officer leans in,

    "Do you know how fast you were going, sir?"

    "Officer, you see, I was on my way to drop this beautiful girl off at home. Her father insisted she be home by midnight, but because she's such a lovely girl, I lost track of time and we now have eight minutes to make it back before her father kills me." he smiles at the officer like he totally didn't make up that lie on the spot.

    "Well, sounds like you are in quite a predicament. Watch your speed next time and get her home safe. Have a good night." he turns and walks back to his car.


    ✧ ✧ ✧

    We stop at Gravity Park and he pulls out a blanket so we could admire the view of the city. I carry the two beers in each hand and sit down next to him on the grey blanket. With a quick clink of our cans, we both take a sip and look over the bright lights of the city. It looks a lot smaller from above and it's hard to believe that over four million people live here. I see a red and blue lights moving down a street further and further away from us and I look at him with a smile.

    "I can't believe you lied to that police officer back there." I giggle.

    "You gotta do what you gotta do." he puts his arm around me and pulls me in closer. "He wasn't about to ruin our night." we both lean in and our lips meet for the first time.

    He's soft at first but he places his hand on the back of my neck and puts my passion into the kiss. My heart is racing and I reciprocate. I pull away and he keeps his hand on my neck.

    "You don't know how long I've been wanting to kiss you." he whispers against my lips and kisses me again.

    "Parker, thank you for tonight."

A/N: sorry for the long wait....been going through a lot and it's hard to write something happy when I'm not.

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