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My legs are wrapped around his torso, his hands gripping my butt and I bite his neck vengefully. His breathing is uneven and I feel his chest rumble when he lets out a low moan. He pushes me against the wall and attaches our lips. His tongue enters my mouth only making me moan for more. My fingers are tangled in his brown hair, pulling and tugging with every kiss.

    "Baby girl, let's go to your room." I nod with wide eyes like a little kid who was just asked if they wanted a piece of candy. He lets me down, but doesn't let me go. We go upstairs to my bedroom and he picks me up only to let me down on the bed. He knocks off my Calculus text book and scoots me up further so my head is on my pillow. All I'm focused on right now are the sparrows on his chest begging to fly away. My hands reach for his tanned chest and tear off the red flannel. What a pleasant surprise. Not only are there sparrows, but a butterfly on his toned stomach. He watches me intently as my fingers trace the black ink on his skin. God, I want him. I look up at him and whimper as he places his hand at the back of my neck.

    "Don't worry baby girl, I'm going to make you feel so good." he's voice is low and so seductive, I can't wait much longer for his touch. "Do you want that? Want my tongue on your pretty little pussy? I want you to writhe under me and hear you moan my name as you roll your eyes back in pure pleasure." I'm absolutely speechless. Never have I done something like this let alone have a guy tell me exactly what they want to do to me. And he knows exactly what he's doing to me and I'm almost as turned on about that than his dirty talk. His dominance and the control he has over me makes me go weak in the knees.


    He places a soft peck on my lips and pulls up my dress. He laughs at the spankies I have on under my dress, but they don't stay on for long. His hands run up and down my thigh with red hot intentions. He places to finger on the outside of my panties, making my hips buck at the contact.

    "Oh baby, you're soaking." he purrs below me. "You're such a good girl." His breath hits right where I need him; right where he wants. Hot lips kiss my inner thigh and tease me with playful bites. I've only seen racy pictures of this and hoped one day I'd be able to experience this and well look where I am. Dreams do come true. Finally, his fingers hook around the elastic band of my underwear and he slowly pulls them down my legs. The feeling of his breath against me makes me buck my hips, pleading for more.

    "Settle down, darling." he smirks at me and that sinister tongue peeks through his lips for a moment. He places two fingers against my clit and my breath is caught in my throat. His green eyes watch me intently as I writhe under his touch.

    "Daddy, more." I beg. "Please."

    And that's when we lose eye contact and he pulls me closer to him by my hips. He runs the tip of his tongue along my slit and I scream. No one's home thank god. I feel completely out of control of my body as I raise my hips and thrash around while his lips never leave me. He moans against me and I shutter at the vibration it causes. He sucks lightly at my most sensitive part and I'm putty in his hands.

    "Oh Daddy!" my back arches on the bed and I feel something building in me. Soon his fingers meet my clit again while his tongue moves in and out of my opening. I whimper at his scandalous actions and clutch his soft curls with all my might. The dirtiest moan leaves his mouth as I tug on his hair and feels like heaven against me. I pull harder and I feel his mouth open as he lets out another one. His fingers massage me all the while and I feel close. Close to what I'm not sure. The tip of his tongue twirls around my clit and I let out a string of moans. Harry grips my hips even tighter as I writhe and moan with his name leaving my lips in screams.

    "That's it, baby girl. Show me you're mine." His fingers replace his tongue as I come back down to earth. My vision a bit spotty and I can't really comprehend what else he's saying. My heart is pounding out of my chest and I feel like I just ran a mile. I wipe my forehead of sweat and Harry is looking at me with a wide grin.

    "Was that your first?" he's pulling my panties back up and pulling my dress down. I faintly nod.

    "There's plenty more where that came from." he hovers over my tired body and places a kiss to my lips. "You're my good little girl, Violet. You're mine." He pushes back the hair sticking to my forehead from the sweat. Exhausted from our fun, I close my eyes and he pulls me to his bare chest.

    "I like your tattoos." I say on the edge of slumber. "I've never seen a man with a giant butterfly on his stomach." I giggle. "Wait!" I quickly sit up in realization. "Do you have a butterfly on your stomach because that butterfly feeling in your stomach when you're nervous?" He stares at me completely baffled at my connection.

    "I like your inquiry, but no. I got a butterfly on my stomach because life's short." Yeah, he doesn't seem like the type to get butterflies. He's more the type to give butterflies.

    "I like my answer better but okay." I lay back down beside him and he drapes his arm over me. Sleep inevitably consumes me in a few short minutes later. Harry's hair tickles my forehead and I feel his calm breath against my lips.     Seconds later, Harry and I are ripped from our tranquility when the front door slams shut.

    "Violet Alexandra Belmont!"

A/N: So do you guys like it?? That was my first time writing smut. I'm not sure how often my updates will be now because I'm going off to college! I'm writing this in the airport waiting for my flight to school! But don't worry! I want to write this book really bad so I definitely will try my hardest to write whenever i can and update! Thank you for giving this book your time! :)

P.S. Did you like the collage I made? I think I'll make those instead of a single picture now!

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