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A/N: sorry it's been ages since I've updated. School and just everything I tried writing felt like shit and I don't ever want to publish something I'm not confident in. Hopefully there won't be too much of a wait for the next update! Tell me what you think!

After last night with Harry, I really expected to feel horrible about myself and feel like a "slut", but instead I was rather proud of myself. I had reached this goal that I thought I never would be able to achieve. It was completely terrifying yet so intriguing and spectacular. I don't see why people slut shame when everyone has sex and do sexual things. It is apart of our nature as human beings and it is no one's business except the people involved. So people should stop judging others for it.

"How did he taste?" Ashley asks at a whisper, leaning forward in complete fascination.

"A little salty, but other than that, it was tolerable." I laugh, reminiscing on that heated moment. I texted Ashley right after Harry left and she was at my front door in a matter of minutes. I felt ashamed at how unashamed I was at first, but telling Ashley reminded me how badass I am and I should not feel ashamed at all.

"Wow, my little Vi is growing up! Your first kiss and oral sex in a week? Girl at the rate you're at, you're going to pass me up by next week!" Ashley laughs and I do to, but in the back of my head, I'm really questioning my actions.

I feel like we are moving so fast physically, my emotions have not had time to process on what is actually going on. I've never done this before and I always thought it would be with a long term boyfriend, but it's happening with a 28-year-old who doesn't even know my middle name. I don't even know if he's seeing other girls while he's with me. Am I okay with him seeing other girls? Of course, I'm not the jealous type. We are just hooking up—that's it.

"Can we get food?" Ashley pulls me out of my thoughts, thankfully.

"Yeah, I'm starving."

✧ ✧ ✧

Ashley and I finish up our homework over a large pepperoni pizza. Mom and Dad are both out for the night for their own suspicious reasons. Ever since Eric left for Miami last year, I've grown accustomed to fending for myself. I don't really mind it, but I do miss sneaking out of the house with him while Mom and Dad were gone.

"I'm so not ready for this test in Psychology." I huff in frustration. No matter how long or how hard I study, the information just doesn't stick. I'm barely getting by with a C in that class. It's even more frustrating because I was thinking of pursuing psychology in college, but that doesn't look like a very good idea. Why do I even have to decide what I want to do for the rest of my life when I'm not even a fully developed human being? I have a hard time even deciding what cereal I want to eat in the morning. What makes anyone think I can pick out a career path?

"Me neither. I think I'll just wing it like always." Ashley yawns as she rests her head on her textbook. I thought senior year was supposed to be fun. It's only getting harder the closer we get to graduation. There's so much to do and so little time. Thank God college applications are done with though. That was the worst month of my life. So many essays and so many tests on top of even more essays and tests. I'm too ready for summer break.

What if I don't get into any schools? This thought runs through my mind almost everyday. What if everything I've worked so hard for is not enough. Well, I can't ponder too much on that depressing thought because I don't have the time. It's already midnight and I have a psychology test tomorrow morning at eight.

✧ ✧ ✧

I finally make it through school, failing my psychology test nonetheless. I haven't heard from Harry since Saturday night, not that he has an obligation to me. There were no terms that we discussed. He could be banging a girl right now and I would have no right to be mad. Of course, that thought makes my stomach drop.

"Violet, can you see who is buzzing in?" my mother asks of me. Reluctantly, I drag my feet to the intercom and shove a handful of Doritos in my mouth before answering.


"Styles." I let him in and continue my glutenous activities in the kitchen.

Maria lets him in the front door and she leads Bill to wherever my father is. I finish up my snack and head upstairs to start on homework. Like always, I get distracted by everything except my homework. I find myself on Tumblr stumbling across a quite racy gif of a couple embracing each other. It brings me to the memories of a couple nights ago with Harry. My heartbeat picks up and I feel my cheeks burn up.

There's a knock on the door and I instantly close my laptop and pretend to study.

"Come in!"

Surprisingly, it's my father. His tall figure casts a shadow in the door way of my bedroom.

"How's the homework coming, Violet?" His deep voice rumbles

"I'm almost finished, actually." I smile.

"That's good. Bill and I are actually going to take Harry to the office downtown and I was thinking it would be beneficial for you to come as well. You know, Harry could always use a business partner."

He is being too friendly and caring. Something is up, but I don't mind going along with it if it involves Harry.

Wait, Harry's here? I guess I didn't even hear him come in with his father. "Sure, dad. Let me just get ready." My dad nods and then smiles as he closes the door. Dad smiling? There has to be something to do with money or football in this plan he has. Whatever, all I care about right now is seeing Harry.

I spritz some perfume on and grab my purse before heading downstairs to my father's office. He's at his desk with William and Harry, everyone has a glass of some dark liquor in their hand. Harry is the first one who notices my presence as I enter. His curious face turns into a playful smirk. His hair looks like he's had his hands running through it all day, or maybe someone else has had their hands in his hair. Nevertheless he's mesmerizing and effortlessly at that.

"Ah, Miss Belmont. Future co-chairman of Belmont & Styles." Well, that escalated quickly. I came here to learn a bit about Dad's business and now I'm going to be running it? Not happening. I can barely handle my own shīt. I'm only here for that hot curly headed boy.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves now, Dad." I laugh lightly.

That being said, we all migrate to the foyer and gather our coats.

Dad grabs his keys and oddly tosses me a pair as well. "So Vi will take Harry and I'll take Bill in the Bentley." I look at my dad with a face of confusion. I'm not upset about the arrangements at all, but why would he purposely put me with a 28 year old alone in a car for half an hour. Not exactly something a father would do, but I'm not going to object.

While Harry and Bill gather their things, my father takes me to the garage.

"Why didn't we just all go in the SUV?" I ask him while he opens the big garage door.

My father shrugs casually, "I think it would be good for you and Harry to get to know each other. He's a good guy with a good head on his shoulders, not to mention his successful career."

"Are you trying to set me up with him?" By now I'm absolutely baffled at my father's logic.

"I think you'd really like him, Violet. He'd be good for you." Since when does my father know what kind of men I would like? He barely knows what my favorite color is. I knew there was some bigger reason into him wanting me to come to the office. Frankly, I don't mind. It will actually makes things less stressful with Harry; we won't have to sneak around. But that is if he still wants to see me after what I have to tell him. 

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