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Somehow I ended up in a sea of white sheets upstairs without the curly headed boy. The analog clock on the wall reads two o'clock and I jump out of bed and lean over the railing to see Harry knocked out cold on the couch. Last thing I remember was braiding Harry's hair while we downed a bottle of merlot in record time. Last night was fun, but I just—

"Good morning Violet." Harry comes up behind me while I clean up my day old, smudged makeup.

"More like good afternoon." His raspy morning voice and messy hair beg me to stay, but I really need to get home and finish my history project. "Would you be able to take me home? I've got homework to finish." That sounds weird saying that after spending the night with a man who hasn't done homework for ten years.

"Finish it later." he nuzzles his face into my neck, his nose brushing against the hickey he made last night.

"I can't it's due tomorrow and I have not started it at all." I laugh. He rolls his eyes at my juvenile responsibilities and grabs his toothbrush before leaving me alone in the bathroom.

✧ ✧ ✧

I wave goodbye to Harry from my front porch, his taste still lingering on my lips from our heated makeout just minutes before leaving his car. Neither one of my parents are home, thank God. Maybe now I'll be able to get some work done without their constant shouting. I open my laptop and begin my research on the Bubonic Plague. After looking at endless pictures of diseased human beings, my eyes need a break. I send Ashley a text asking her if she'd come over to help my lazy ass. She shows up thirty minutes later with a bottle of root beer and a box a pizza. This is why she's my best friend.

"Just cut those out and I'll paste them on the board." We are both covered in glitter because it's never a Violet Belmont project without some sparkle. I lean over then poster board pulling my hair to one side to keep it out of my face.

"Holy shit, who gave you that?" Ashley's eyes are wide in shock, but a smirk appears on her face, showing her pride in me.

"I got it from this guy." I shrug and continue working unlike Ashley.

"The same one from the party a couple nights ago?"

"Yeah." I blush.

"What the hell! Why didn't you tell me!" Now I feel bad, Ashley is my best friend, I should trust her not to tell anyone.

"I don't know, it happened so fast. I slept over at his house last night." I try to hide my smile which only makes Ashley think we did more than we did. I've always been the friend who watched her purse while she went upstairs to "talk to a boy", I've always been the one to listen to these kind of stories, not tell them. But things have changed.

"Holy shït, Vi! You're running those bases! Are you still a virgin?" Her blues eyes widen in anticipation.

"Of course!" I laugh, "All we've done is makeout so far, but..." I trail off, thinking of all those little thoughts I've had and how maybe now they could come true.

"But what! Are you going to?" She almost leaps across to me in happiness.

"Not right now, but I want to. He's really hot." I laugh

"Who is he! What's his name!" Ashley's my best friend and I don't think I can keep this from her any longer. I need someone to talk to about him because god knows I'm running out of pages in my diary.

"Harry Styles." I wait for her to make the connection.

"Styles? Isn't that your dad's friend?" she tilts her head in confusion.

"Mhm, it's his son." Gah, it feels so good actually being able to talk about this with someone instead of keeping it inside. "He's twenty-eight and he's back from England to take over his father's business." Ashley is speechless.

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