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We went out to get ice cream at this cute little parlor he's been raving about. The line went outside the shop, but it wasn't so bad waiting with Harry, if I do say so myself. He's wearing a white button up, short sleeves of course, and it's covered in little drawings of carrots. He said the shirt was a gift from a friend in England. I said he looks like a farmer in it.

"Do you like it?" Harry asked as we walked down the boulevard with our cones.

I played it safe with a single scoop of white chocolate strawberry. Harry went for a scoop of their honey lavender ice cream.

"It's amazing," I answered. "I didn't know ice cream could be this good."

Today has been really nice with Harry. I almost forgot about the Chipotle incident. Part of me wants to just forget it ever happened and assume his honesty, but that wouldn't be very wise of me. It's hard to feel like my feelings are valid when Harry is being his normal sweet self. I feel unreasonable for bringing up the Chipotle incident, but I do not want to get shït from Ashley and especially not Juliana if they find out I never confronted him.

We pass by a few more shops and I try to transition into the next conversation. There are knots in my stomach and I hope I'm not crossing any boundaries that we haven't established.

"I just remembered I left my grey sweater in Juliana's car the other day." I mumble.

"What was that?" he didn't hear me.

"I left my grey sweater in Juliana's car the other day when we went to Chipotle." I say. "that was a weird day." I laugh lightly.

"Why do you say that?" he continues to lick his ice cream cone.

"I don't know," I pause. "When we were at Chipotle, this woman in front of us was on the phone with you and ordered you Chipotle." my cheeks are so hot and my heart is pounding. I really don't know what to expect.

He stops for a second and thinks. "Oh! Rachel! Yes, I asked her to bring me Chipotle when she came over to give me my documents for a dual citizenship." he continues to eat his ice cream. "Rachel is quite a character. I don't think I'll miss her too much."

"Is she your assistant or something?"

"No, she works for my father, but she was helping me settle in."

"Hm," I continue to eat my ice cream. Why has he never mentioned her? Am I being the jealous psychotic girl right now? I don't even know. "Harry, what are we doing?"

He looks at me with a confused face, "We're eating ice cream?"

"I mean what are we doing? What is this?" I just blurt it out. I'm sick of feeling crazy because I don't know what we are. I'm tired of walking on eggshells.

"Well, I think we are two people who really like each other therefore, we like spending time with each other."

"So we're friends?" I stop in the middle of the crosswalk and look at him. "We're just two friends?"

"Violet, you can't just stand in the middle of the street, c'mon." he walks back to pull me hand, but I don't budge.

"So you just show up at my door with a fùcking rose and tell me how much you want me, but now we are just two people spending time together?" my anger is slowly turning into embarrassment. How could I have fell for that stupid shít? "You're going to tell me how you don't want to see me with other guys, but you won't even say we're exclusive? You won't even call me your girl?" I feel the tears forming in the corner of my eyes.

"Violet, you're eighteen!"

"Wow." I drop my ice cream and storm off. I can't believe him.

A/N: It's so bad...I really don't know where this is going. I'm sorry.

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