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I feel myself drifting off into sleep listening to the pattering of the rain and the soft exhales of Harry breathing. After I teased the absolute life out of Harry, I finally gave him what he wanted. His hips bucking, making me take him deeper and deeper, he fisted my hair as he released and dropped back onto my bed in exhaustion. I climbed in after him and he was out like a light. Me, I've been awake for over an hour just replaying Harry's words over and over in my head. He wants me! All of me! It worked out just the way I wanted it to. He realized what a good girl he had in front of him. Does this mean we are dating? Do I have a boyfriend?

"Mm, love." he wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer to his naked chest. I rest my head on the pillow, under his arm and try my best to stop thinking and be in the moment. I just want Harry more than this. Am I being greedy? I got what I wanted, but I want more. All this thinking is putting me to sleep so I close my eyes and drift off in Harry's arms.

✧ ✧ ✧

Mm, bacon. Kittens and bacon? Oh, Harry is shirtless making me bacon while holding a kitten?

"There are muffins in the oven, darling." he kisses me while I peep the stove. The blueberry muffins smell heavenly. Almost as heavenly as this entire scene. Harry puts down the oven mitts and kitten on the counter to fist my hair and pull my closer to him. His lips brush mine with such delicacy unlike his hold on me. The other hand reaches down my back to grab my butt. Because of his strength, I lean forward into him and let out a quiet moan to let him know I'm ready for anything else he has in mind.

"If I kiss you any longer, these muffins will be toast." he pulls away, but keeps his grip on my bum. I smile up at him and he kisses my nose. I want to be in this moment forever.

Harry opens the oven and a wave of black smoke comes out. The muffins are burnt and now the kitchen is filling up with smoke. He throws the oven pan on to the counter and turns towards me in absolute anger.

"This is all your fault! You no good, piece of shït! You made me burn the muffins! Are you happy now? You ruined everything!" he storms out, leaving me in the smoky kitchen hardly able to breathe. I try to move to open a window, but my feet are glued to the floor. The smoke get thicker and thicker and I try to scream out for Harry, but he never comes. It's getting harder and harder to breathe. I need Harry. I collapse onto the tile floor, feeling useless and quickly lose consciousness.

"Violet, darling" I hear Harry's voice and open my eyes to a dark bedroom. I gasp for air as I wake up from a nightmare. "You were having a bad dream."

My heart is racing and I feel like I just ran a mile. Harry rubs my back as I sit up and catch my breath. My cheeks are wet from tears and my heart feels broken from the Harry's harsh words in my dream. It felt so real.

"I just had the worst dream." I wipe my eyes and try to tell myself it wasn't real and Harry would never yell at me like that. Well, he did like two weeks ago, but he wouldn't just leave me when there was a flipping fire.

"Darling, do you want some water?" he rubs my back to soothe my nerves. I glance at the clock on my night stand and it reads 4:51am. The sun will be rising soon, but it feels like I've been asleep for twenty minutes.

"No, I think I'll be fine." I pull the covers up my body and make myself comfortable again. Harry does the same and reaches an arm around my waist to pull me closer. It took Harry ten minutes to start snoring again, but I stayed up much longer after the sun rose.

✧ ✧ ✧

I miss the nightmares I used to have a child. The ones that would consist of being chased by the boogie man or getting lost in the supermarket. At least those I could wake up from and I wouldn't have to worry about them coming true. They affect me much. Of course I would wake up in a sweat and run to my parents' room, but in the morning, it was like those dreams never happened. I wouldn't be scared to go to school in fear of running into the boogie man on the handball court. Nightmares are much more scary. They consist of plausible, real events that could very well happen. Getting into a car accident, not getting into college, Harry shouting at me and leaving me in the midst of a fire. Maybe they aren't all one hundred percent plausible, but just the thought of Harry deserting me in a time of disaster is frightening. Anyone really.

"Mm, love." Harry nuzzles his head into the back of my neck and peppers my neck in light kisses. I roll over and face him. His eyes still closed and his curly hair is messy on the white pillow. I kiss his nose and roll on top of him. With his eyes still closed, he smirks and places his hands on my bare waist. I slowly kiss down his naked chest and traces his tattoos with the tip of my tongue.

"Oh, Violet, you little shït." he moans as I breathe over his crotch.

"Make me pancakes and these boxers are long gone." I look up at him with a teasing smile. "I'm hungry, Daddy."

"Fûck, anything you want."he fists my hair with anxiousness. I smirk and drag his boxers down his legs. He's already so hard and I can tell he's trying to resist pushes my head down on to him. I lick my lips and slowly take him in my mouth.

"Fück, Vi" I'm so turned on by how turned on he is.

He holds my head and thrusts up into my mouth. He's so dirty, but I fücking love it.

"You like when I fück your mouth?" he asks in the dirtiest way. He's not asking if he should stop, he knows I like it and he wants to hear me say I like it.

"Mhm" I hum while my lips are still wrapped around him. This is so hot. I love making him feel this way. I run the tip of my tongue up his shaft while making eye contact with him and he throws his head back.

"Fück baby I'm going to cûm." he whines and thrusts further into my mouth, making me gag. I keep him in my mouth and breathe through my nose to stay down longer. He grips my head with both his hands to keep me down while he reaches his peak.

"Oh, fûck!" he shouts as he releases into my mouth. He loosens his grip in my hair and tries to calm his breathing. I look up at him, his face is flushed and he looks like he just ran a marathon.

"Baby," he takes a breath. "Baby, that was spectacular." he runs his hand through my hair to show his affection and gratefulness. I smile with pride knowing I can make him so vulnerable, but very happy.

    "Pancakes, please." I pout at him as my head still lingers over his exposed bottom half. He nods with fervor and pulls his boxers back up his legs.

    The sun is peeking through the white curtains on my window, lighting up my dark room. Harry gets out of bed, wearing only his boxers and he takes a moment to stretch. I can't help but stare as he reaches his arms above his head and stretches his back out. He's absolutely stunning. He shake his hair out and runs his fingers through it quickly before looking to me.

    I pretend like I wasn't just checking him out and act busy fixing my hair. 

    "Do you just want to go to IHOP or something?" he asks as he throws on his jeans and t-shirt.

    "Sure, that's fine." Well, it would have been super cute if you cooked for me, but it's fine.

I throw a sweater on and some yoga pants. My hair's in a mess of a bun and I don't have an ounce of makeup on. I don't really care to primp myself up though. I just sucked his díck, he better think I'm hot. I grab my wallet and head down stairs with Harry following closely behind.

    "I'll drive." he says as he puts his shoes on in the entry way and grabs his keys off the key rack. I open the door and he grabs my àss as I walk out the door ahead of him. I look back and he gives me a smirk that makes me want to go back to my bedroom.

A/N: Sorry for the wait...but hey, smut!

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