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My notebook has two lines of notes in it and we are about an hour into this class. I keep checking my phone under my desk for the time. Only twenty minutes until we're all forced to leave the classroom and head home. Most students look forward to that last bell, but my hands are cold and there's a knot in my stomach because of that last bell.

            When I leave this classroom, and go to my locker, I will see Parker and I just don't know what to say to him. I'm a horrible liar and do not hide my emotions well at all. He'll totally know something is up and I don't want to hurt him.

            He's a sweet boy that I should want to be with, but clearly, there's something wrong with me.

            I just don't want to be the bad guy. Parker should want me to be happy and grateful I am not leading him on because I'm afraid to hurt him. It's like a Band-Aid, you just have to rip it off or it's going to hurt longer.

            The bell rings and I'm forced to face someone I used to look forward to seeing. The hallways are crowded and loud, so I keep my head down trying to avoid being seen.

            "Well, god-fucking-damn," I whisper under my breath as I see the back of Parker's head as I approach my locker. His back is facing me and he's chatting with someone else so maybe he won't notice me if I don't say anything and quickly grab my things. Yeah, right.

            "Violet, how was class?" Parker came up behind me while I figured out which books I needed to take home. I felt my face go white and a ringing in my ears. I'm so guilty and I don't want to do this. I can't lie to him, but the truth will make him hate me.

            "I can't go out tonight."  I blurt out.

            He's more shocked at my random change of subject than what I said.

            "That's alright," he puts his hand on my shoulder and it felt like a dagger in my chest. "Do you have a lot of studying to do?"

            "Yes. I won't be able to hang out all weekend, actually." I kept my eyes focused in my locker so I could avoid him as long as possible.

            "Oh, okay." I think he was picking up on it now. "If you need a study break at all, just text me."

            "I just need a break."

A/N: Hey guys, I'm sorry for this short chapter but I figured I should give you guys something since it's been so long. I'm in my last year of college so it's hard finding time to work on this. Bare with me guys, I will finish this book, but for right now the updates will be slow. How are you guys doing? I want to connect with you guys. Follow me on Instagram - serenadarling - and DM me and let me know you read my story! I love chatting with you guys and I'm here if you need someone to talk to! I just got out of a long term relationship so I'm down to talk about boys, the story, and just whatever! I am lonely lol.

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