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We've been lying in silence for the past twenty minutes. It's not complete silence, he put on Clueless for me, but I'm not taking the bait. He's asked me what's wrong several times, but I just told him it's nothing. I'd expect some more investigation from a twenty-eight year old who has had plenty of experience with women.

    His phone starts buzzing right at the part where Dion totally disses Amber during P.E. I'm slightly upset he missed that part, but even more upset someone's calling him. It's probably the MAC wearing whòre. How could I ever think someone like him would genuinely like me.

    Harry grabs his phone off the night stand and answers it.

    "Hello?" he says with his accent and I secretly melt inside. He rolls out of bed and takes his conversation downstairs.

    I take this time to examine the evidence more. The name of the lipstick is "Lady Danger" and it's bright red. How repulsive. It's really worn down and it makes me wonder how long it's been sitting here. It's suddenly freezing so I throw my clothes back on. Shoes too because I don't feel like sleeping here tonight. I hear his footsteps up the stairs as I put my earrings back on.

    "Sorry, that was just a potential business—" he sees me in my clothes and freezes. "I thought you were spending the night?" his eyebrows furrow in confusion.

    "I think I should go home."

    "Violet, please tell me what's wrong." he steps closer to me and reaches for my hand that's dangling by my side.

    "Why do you have a tube of lipstick in your drawer?" I look him dead in the eyes. I have this rush of adrenaline otherwise, I would never be able to confront him like this.

    He just stares back at me. No words. A knot in my stomach forms from his silence and I try to hold back my tears.

    "Just tell me." I choke on the lump in my throat.

    He places both of his hands on either cheek and kiss me. I can't help but lean in too. He pulls back, both hands on my cheeks.

    "You're the only one." his green eyes pour into mine. "It's my mother's. When she helped me move in, she left it." he kisses the tip of my nose and then my lips.

    I look up at him .


✧ ✧ ✧

Remember when school lunches were the only thing you looked forward to? Mondays were the best because it was chalupa day. But now, with senior privileges, lunch is anything I want. Juliana, Ashley and I walk to the parking lot after fourth period to grab some lunch.

    "I kinda want Panda Express." Juliana says as she texts her latest fling.

    "Let's do that then. I don't feel like waiting for Chipotle." I say. "Who wants to drive?"

    "Not me!" Juliana and Ashley shout at the same time and run to my car. Sure, why not. I unlock my car so they stop pulling on the handles like children.

    "Jesus, Vi, clean up much?" Juliana shoves all my shit to one side of the car so she can sit down.

    "Sorry, I get messy when I'm stressed out." I defend myself. "Ash, put play some bangers." I put the car in reverse and look behind me.

    Juliana is shuffling through my things and she comes across one of Harry's jackets he let me borrow.

    "You can just push everything on the floor." I say, hoping she doesn't see the jacket.

    "Is this a boy's jacket?" she teases. "Wow, he has nice style. Hugo Boss? Who is this guy, Vi?"

    "No one! It's my dad's. I have to drop it off at the cleaners." I lie. Oh god, she better stop asking questions or else I won't be able to cover. I want to keep Harry a secret until we're official or it's over; which ever comes first.

    "Isn't that what Maria is for?" she sees right through my lie. She can smell a lie a mile away and she loves outting people. I keep quiet because there's no point in lying.

    "What's his name?"

    "There's no guy, Jule!" I exasperate.

    "Well, shït. He must be fücking hot." I can hear the smirk in her voice.

Ashley is in the passenger seat silently trying to hold in her laughter which only makes me want to laugh. Her blonde hair covers her face when she leans her head down and I can't help but bust out laughing.

    "Shut up, Ash." I giggle. "At least I didn't make out with Collin Edwards!"

    Ashley gasps in shock, but still laughing.

    "He's hot!" she shouts.

    "Yeah, if you're into baseball players who can barely count to three!" Juliana laughs in the back.

    Thank god, the topic is off Harry.

A/N: Sorry it's kind of short. I've been working on my blog which y'all should check out

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