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A/N: IG : serenadarling | Follow my Instagram bc I'd love to see who's reading my story!!!

The front lawn is already covered in beer cans, red solo cups and drunk, hormone-fueled  teenagers. I spot a couple kids from my classes smoking a bong in the side of the house.

    Having three more shots in the car was probably not the best idea, but now I don't have to worry about sobering up before the night is over or drinking that questionable jungle juice that may or may not be spiked. Juliana and Katrina are stopped by a couple girls leaning against the wooden porch rail that wraps around the house. The lights in the house are flashing and I hear my favorite song blasting in house.

    "It's my song!" I shout and grab Ashley's hand to go inside. There are two guys standing in the door way. One holding red cups while the other has a wad full of cash, collecting from entering partygoers. I approach them with the most innocent eyes I could muster up in my intoxicated state.

    "Five dollars." The big one with the cash tells me. I freeze up because I left my wallet at home. This is the most embarrassing thing that could ever happen. Violet Belmont can't get into a party because she doesn't have five dollars. I guess I could go hang out with the other drunks on the lawn. They look friendly.

    "Vi, Vi," I feel someone tug on my arm. "they were kidding. Grab a cup and let's go!" Ashley is pulling on me to enter the house. Oh fück, I'm so drunk, right now.

    Ashley takes us straight to the bowl of jungle juice and I pour some into my cup just so I have something in my cup. You can't walk around a party with an empty cup. It's basic party etiquette.

    "Remember, don't drink the juice." she says as she pours the toxic red liquid into her cup. It's rare that someone would spike the entire bowl of jungle juice, jungle juice is just mixed with any kind of alcohol the host can find mixed with punch. There could be five dollar vodka and twenty dollar whisky all mixed in with a little tequila. It's just not a good idea. Not to mention, community punch bowls are filthy.

    The living room is packed with kids all with red solo cups in hand. The music is blaring I can't even hear myself speak. Ashley and I take a lap around and settle outside on the patio. It's less crowded out here and the evening breeze feels great against my cheeks. I lean my head back on the sofa and feel the world spin. The sky is moving above us. It's like we're in a snow globe being shaken by a five year old. It's mesmerizing.

    "Hey there, pretty lady." Sean comes from behind me and grabs my chin to turn my head towards his lips so he can whisper in my ear, "I can't stop thinking about your kiss. I want more, Violet." his voice is soft and seductive.

    Mm, I like the sound of that. I want to feel his hands roam my body. We could go back to my house. He could pick me up and press me against the wall, like Harry did that one night. Harry is so hot. I wish I could see him all the time and kiss him whenever I wanted. Goddämmit, this is why I need to hook up with Sean. Harry can't always be on my mind when I'm never on his. I need Sean to distance Harry from my thoughts.

    "Take me home."

✧ ✧ ✧


    Sean wraps his arm around me as we wait for our über a couple houses down from the party. He's been so sweet tonight. Calling me sweetie and being so chivalrous. So far, he hasn't topped Harry which is not surprising. The brit has set the bar pretty high. I guess we'll see once we get home. God, I'm such a slüt.

    "You look stunning tonight." he places a kiss atop my head.

    "I guess." I laugh and finish the drink in my hand. Oh fück. FÜCK.

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