Chapter One

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[edited 4/12/18]

Brooke's POV

"Oh crap," I looked down at my watch, it read 5:31. exactly 31 minutes past the time I was suppose to be home by.

No that's not my cerfew, but I had promised my mom to come home at five to help her with dinner and have a family night. Only when I promised this I hadn't expected to be stuck at school trying to finish a research paper my science teacher thought would be funny to assign one day before the due date.

A due date that was not only on the weekend but winter break.

"Miss Rine? are you almost finished I'm tired of waiting, the library is closed," my least favorite faculty member glared down at me.

Ms. Prince hated me for no reason. I mean accidently forgetting to turn in books isn't a crime.. I eventually brought them in... most of them...

"Yes Miss Prince. I'm almost finished give me five more minutes." I glared down at the paper silently cursing my science teacher with words that would make the devil shudder.

"I don't have five minutes. You're finished now," Miss Prince was practically foaming at the mouth. Then she turned, "You too Mr. Smith"

I looked up in shock. I thought I was the only one in here. but sitting less than 50 feet away was the person who had hurt me more than anyone else. a person who I had at some point would've trusted with my life. Person who I loved more than anyone. who had dropped me and cracked me in pieces without a second glance.

there sitting 50 feet away was Brady Smith.

my heart instantly did a summersault and old memories, distant and painful, flashed throughout my mind. I was hit by a wall of laughter and screaming of our old friendship.

As I looked at Brady again for the first time in forever it seemed, I saw one memory clear and bright. it was such a normal conversation and it showed how our friendship had worked. how much he meant to me. how it used to be.


"No way!" I bounced up and down, shocked at what Brady had just told me.

"Yes way, it's true. take my word for it," he smiled obviously pleased with himself for getting this important piece of gossip.

"that's crazy. unbelievable." my mouth was wide open. I mean who wouldn't be surprised to find out that Golden Boy, aka Codie Leer, had been cheated on by his beautiful cheerleader girlfriend Kate Matthews. Not to mention with a guy from the mathletes.

"is it really true? you can't be lying.. cause if you are I'm gonna kill you!" I jumped on Brady laughing.

He swung me around laughing loudly too. "You won't need to kill me Brooke, this is the truth. Man isn't that great" Suddenly Brady fell on my bed and since I was still on his back he fell right on top of me. This might be a naughty position to anyone else but to us it was how our friendship worked.

"Get off of me you fattie. your gonna kill me" I yelled and smacked him from underneath him.

"I am deeply offended. I will not be getting off any time soon." He pushed against me harder.

"OW get off me! your gonna kill me! what would you tell the police.. 'oh yeah my friend here died because I decided it would be funny to put my fat ass on her' cause that would be halerious" I started laughing and after a second Brady did too.

"alright I'll get up.." he turned onto his stomach so now I was looking up into his green eyes. his lips inches from mine. but so far from ever being mine.

After a second without seeming the least bit frazzled by our position, Brady got up and moved to the other side of the room.

How sad, I remember thinking, a girl in love with her best friend and can't do anything about it.


that was the day I realized I had more than a school girl crush on him but I loved him. and he never would love me. but that was okay because he was still my best friend.

it all came crashing down months after. 

Hey everyone so this is my incredibly awkward story I'm making.
I apologize now about all the grammar errors.
But I really hope you enjoy it a little.
Bye for now,

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