Chapter Thirty-Three

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Brooke's POV

"What exactly did my grandson do?" I looked over in shock to see Brady's grandma looking over at me from her hospital bed.

"I... uh—" I stuttered, no sure how to answer.

"Actually don't tell me," Grandma Rose sighed, "I'd rather not be pissed at my grandson before going into surgery."

"Okay." I nodded and sat down on the chair next to the bed. Grandma Rose had been asleep only a few minutes before when I had stopped in her hospital room to drop off tulips. I had wanted to talk to her but now.... now I felt frozen.

"So, my beautiful girl, how is school going? Soccer?" She looked at me her eyes soft. I felt myself relax before finally answering.

"School is hard. Soccer is harder." I laughed and took the hand she had held out to me, "But I'm pushing through."

"You can get through anything Brooke," Grandma Rose squeezed my hand.

"I'm supposed to be telling you that," I found myself sniffling and squeezing the hand of the women who was once practically my own grandma.

"Shush child," Grandma rose took her other hand and lifted my face by placing it under my chin, "Grandmas are supposed to do the comforting."

"Please don't die," I squeezed my eyes shut, "I've lost so much time with you and... well I've lost so much time and I just can't... I can't loose another person."

"Baby, I'm not going anywhere."

And like usual Grandma Rose was right, she didn't go anywhere. When I received an email from Brady's mom only a day later, I finally was able to breathe.


"This is Jefferson County Police!" I practically fell out of Brady's arms at the sound of a booming voice through the loud speakers. "We have connected to the radio in the school. We're here to get Brooke and Brady! If you are near the front doors please retreat now."

"Brady," I was shaking Brady awake as the realization of what was happening finally hit, "Brady wake up."

"What's happening?" Brady look around. His bed head only adding to the adorable look of confusion he was wearing.

"The police are here." I grabbed his hand and pulled him up. Then I grabbed our backpacks and ran towards the entrance, Brady following close behind.

"Holy shit," Brady was finally next to me running through the hallways. He grabbed his backpack and then my hand, "We're being rescued."


"Brooke, is everything alright?" My mom had stepped into my room confused. My usual post soccer joy wasn't there.

"Uh, yeah." I bit my lip to keep from crying. The day's events seemed unreal. Impossible. And yet it had happened.

"Are you sure honey?" My mom went to take a step closer to me but I just turned away.

"Just a long day. Can I just be alone please?" I knew I sounded rude but I honestly didn't care. I was heartbroken.

"Of course," My mom nodded, "Tell Brady to come over for dinner. That always helps."

"No," I swallowed the bile rising in my throat, "I don't think Brady will be around anymore."

I could feel my moms surprised look but I just put headphones in, attempting to ignore the rising sobs and horror of being truly alone. Alone with no one coming to the rescue.


"Brooke!" The moment we stepped outside the school I saw police, fire trucks, and my mom. The blizzard did nothing to hide the relief and fear etched across my moms face.

"Mom!" I dropped Brady's hand with a squeeze and took off towards my mom attempting not to slip on the way.

When I reached her, my mom engulfed me in a hug. Her heart beat was rapid and I knew mine mirrored hers.

"I'm okay Mom," I stepped back and look at my mom. She was obviously a wreck from worrying. But she also had a confused look on her face.

"Brady?" My moms voice was deadly cold, "What did you do?"

"Fixed things," I knew Brady was behind me before even looking, "Mom. This is my boyfriend Brady. You might have met him before."

My mom's face was masked and for the first time in my life, I truly had no idea what she was thinking. Then she reached around me and smacked Brady on the head.

"Mom what the—" I was cut off by my mom then reaching around me and embracing Brady.

"Oh honey, I've missed you. But if you hurt her again..." the threat lingered in the frozen air.

"I won't." Brady was squeezing my mom and I could tell both of their eyes were misting.

"Brady? Brooke?" Brady's mom's voice cut out across the snowy parking lot, "Oh my angels."

Then she was there pulling me into a hug, "Please tell me you're coming home?"

"If home is with you and Brady, then yes. Yes I am." I knew I was crying now.

"Mom, I'm alive too," Brady had stepped next to us.

"Yes, but Brooke didn't act like an idiot and break any hearts. You did. So excuse me while I give my missing child a hug." Her voice was snarky and it truly did feel like going home.

"I love you too Mom." Brady finally got a hug from his mom before rejoining our hands.

It was only a few minutes of tears later than an officer came up with an awkward expression half hidden by a beanie.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we need to get the kids' statements about what happened down at the office." He spoke sharply. Realizing our expressions he quickly added, "Not in trouble just need all the info. And I just want to get in the warm where there is coffee and food."

Brady and I both nodded and walked with our parents to the van the mom's had taken to the school.

"I love you," Brady's voice tickled my neck and I couldn't help but smile, despite being cold and hungry.

"I love you too."


Wow another chapter. I'm feeling crazy or can't sleep... y'all decide.

Once again thank you so much for all your support.

As you can probably tell from this chapter, things are starting to wrap up... BUT this is not the ending. There's still a few more things to come and beautiful moments to write.

Stay safe and healthy,

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