Chapter Twenty-Four

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Brady's POV

"Wait," I slowly stopped in the middle of the hallway squeezing Brooke's hand.

"What's wrong?" Brooke turned toward me her eyes flashing as the memories of her father left them.

"Nothing I just wanna look at you." It was true. The faint lights from the "EXIT" signs outlined her like a goddess.

Brooke's face broke into a grin, her hand naturally squeezing mine harder.

"Do you still hate coffee?" Brooke suddenly said, her voice tilted with a laugh.

"What?" I was so caught off guard by her serious tone I almost dropped her hand.

"Because I really need a coffee... and the teachers lounge has a maker and creamer," Brooke was grinning and I felt myself doing the same thing .


"Hi welcome!" The barista stared at Brooke for a moment and then trained her gaze on me, "What can I get you?" She smiled in a vain attempt to look seducing.

"Large iced vanilla latte with almond milk," I restrained from rolling my eyes as the barista turned to Brooke, smile fading slightly.

"And you?" The girl behind the register was our age, without a doubt. But I didn't recognize her, which meant Brooke didn't.

"That's my order," Brooke said her eyebrows pushing. Despite the slightly ridiculousness of the expression, I felt my heart skip a beat.

"Oh," The barista looked at me again, expression much more sour.

"And I'll have a small chai tea latte," I smiled pleasantly and handed her my card before Brooke could pull hers out.

Once we walked away Brooke snorted, "Dumbass."

"You're a dumbass," I replied out of habit.

"So you seriously didn't recognize the fact that she was flirting with you?" Brooke furrowed her brows and shook her head, "If you hadn't ordered my drink you'd probably have a date."

Of course I realized the girl was attempting to flirt. But as usual, with anyone but Brooke, flirting was pointless. I wish I could accept and smile back playfully, but I knew it would be fake.

"Guys are just dumb never seeing what's right there," Brooke pouted. I looked at her and for a second I thought I saw a flash of truth in her eyes.

My chest was tight knowing Brooke was literally trying to get me a girlfriend when all I wanted was to be her man, her equal.


"Please tell me you know how to use this," I stifled a laugh as Brooke attempted to begin the coffee maker.

"It can't be that hard," She groaned in frustration as the light flowed red again, "Dammit."

I sat down at one of the tables and watched, barely holding back large barks of laughter.

"I have something that will give you a rush," I stood up and pressed myself against her back, "Forget the coffee."

"Hmm," Brooke suddenly flipped around and our chests were touching as our breaths came out short, "Very tempting."

I smiled as Brooke's hands were suddenly on my chest.

"But... I want coffee," The next thing I knew Brooke pushed me away with a wink and went back to work figuring out the machine.

"I love you too," I muttered, continuing the joke.

"Sorry I can't hear you over the sound of delicious coffee being made," Brooke jumped as the machine grumbled to life and began make a cup.

"After coffee," I was back against her back. Each curve of her body I could feel, and even the thought made me feel complete.

Brooke just rolled her eyes in response, which I only knew because she announced, "If you couldn't tell I'm rolling my eyes at you."

I kissed her neck and then stepped back to raid the fridge on the next wall.


"There is no food in this house," I yelled into the fridge angrily.

"Open your eyes Brady," my mom flicked me, "Apples, oranges, and leftover pasta... all on the first shelf!"

"Let me rephrase," I reached to flick her back but got swatted away, "There's no sugar filled food in the house."

"Bummer," my mom had made it to the other side of the kitchen by now, "Maybe you can go grocery shopping if you want food so badly."

"Roasted," Brooke finally said from the table where she had been silently working on math homework.

"Yeah," my mom rubbed her jaw, "What she said."


"Want an apple?" I grabbed two from the shelves without waiting for an answer.

"Sure," Brooke had sat down at the table I was at earlier. And in the same chair.

"That's my chair," I attempted to make a sad face, "Give it back!"

"Nope," Brooke sipped her coffee loudly, making my annoyed act hard to continue.

"Fine," I stepped over to her and sat down.

"Brady!" Brooke screeched, "Too heavy! Too heavy!"



Only 20 years later.......... sorry I suck at upload I wish I was better. Ugh.

ANYWAY I love you all so much! Thank you for reading and voting so much, it means the world to me.

I hope you enjoyed this filler chapter while I map out the rest of the story(:


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