Chapter Four

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Brady's Pov

"I'm stronger with out you." She keeps killing me. It's my fault I know. But I did it to protect her. Everything I ever did was for her. Everything I do.

"Is there any way out of here?" I didn't even realize I was talking.

"Not that I can think of. Do you have your cell phone? Mines dead," She looked at me expectantly.

"No I my mom took it away because I forgot to pick up Micheal from practice yesterday." I rolled my eyes. I love my brother and all but he needs to start looking after himself. I mean he is in 10th grade now.

"You forgot to pick up Micky?" She looked at me with disdain.

She had called him Mickey. Only Brooke was allowed to call him that, she loved my brother like her own and he loved her. For some reason it pissed me off that she still had her pet name for my brother even when she hated me.

"Yes I forgot to pick him up. Big deal. However let's focus on the main problem. We are stuck in this damn school with no way to contact the outside world." I looked at her again, "So A plus student any genius ways to get out?"

She thought for a minute, her brown eyes wandering around the library looking for a solution. She pursed her lips and looked around once more, "I've got nothing."

"But you always have something," I looked at her in surprise. "Why is it the one time someone needs you to have an idea you don't?"

"How the shit would I know?" She snapped at me. My surprise grew with this comment, Brooke never said any curse words except for a few occasions.

"Wait a second I might have a-" She was already looking through her backpack, "BOBBYPIN!"

"Excuse me?" What the hell was a bobby pin gonna do?

"A bobby pin," She looked at me like I was a complete idiot, "To pick the look with?"

"Oh! That's actually quite smart." No surprise there, Brooke was the smartest girl I knew.

I guess she was surprised by my off handed compliment because she looked at me with an expression I couldn't read. But then with a blink the looked was gone and she just shrugged.

Brooke walked over to the door and inserted the bobby pin into the lock. She fumbled around with if for a minute when we finally heard the satisfying click of a lock. She smiled and went to take the bobby pin out of the lock, except when Brooke finally pulled the small piece of metal out it was broken.

"Shit." Brooke looked at the broken bobby pin with annoyance.

"What's wrong? You got the door unlocked," I looked at her in confusion.

"Yeah, I got the library door unlocked. Not the rest of the doors in this goddamned school." She looked absolutely furious.

"Since when do you curse?" Her small figure coursing with a fiery spirt like usual. I took a step closer unable to stop myself. I looked her right in the eye. "How are you so different but at the same time exactly as you used to be?"

During my question I had come even closer to her and I could smell her perfume. The perfume that I would always used to have in my nose. It smelled of chocolate and cinnamon. It sounds weird but in reality it smelled like home. It smelled like Brooke.

"Brady, I changed for the better." She didn't seem fazed by my close proximity.

"How?" the question and the next statement fell from my lips before I could even stop it, "How could you change for the better when you were already perfect?"

She looked at me in shock and stepped back. But again, as if by impulse I stepped towards her again. We kept doing that until Brooke's back finally hit something, I think a book case. However I didn't stop walking until I was almost completely touch her.

"Brady what the hell are you doing? You have no right to do this. You-" She seemed suddenly out of breath and almost scared.

I dipped my head down to be level with hers. I looked her straight in the eyes then turned my head towards her ear. "I'm so sorry."

I felt her whole body go rigid and finally the realization of what I just did hit me.

Shiz just got real. Kidding. But seriously what do you think?
Let's have a reminder of the craziness of the chapter:
- Brooke still has a nickname for Brady's brother...
- Brady is jealous of the nickname...
Sorry for no flashback/memory. Let's just say your getting a pretty big one soon...

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