Chapter Two

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Brady's POV

Oh shit. There she was as perfect as usual. Looking at me for the first time in what seemed like eternity.

But this look was different from the old looks. It was different from the best friend and sister love she used to look at me with.

No this look was filled with hurt, anger, and worst of all hopelessness. I hated myself for causing this look. God I truly hated myself for this pain I've caused Brooke.

Then she wasn't looking at me anymore but the librarian who was shouting at her and me, but I didn't even notice. Her gaze still etched into my brain.

"Mr. Smith please pay attention when I'm talking to you!" Miss Prince turned to me breaking my trance. "As I was saying you two have 2 minutes. If you are not gone by then you will get a detention for everyday left in this week." She glared at us. "Do you understand?"

"Yes ma'am" Brooke quickly answered.

"Yeah whatever. I'm almost finished, and even if I didn't leave it wouldn't matter. It's Friday there are no days left to get detention," I tried to make it sound like it don't care and I was bored with the situation.

"Now that we have reached an understanding. I'm leaving and you better be gone in two minutes" Miss Prince huffed out of the library only to stop to grab her purse and keys on her desk by the door.

"I'll put everything away. you can leave if your finished," Brooke didn't look at me as she said this. She grabbed one of the books she had been using for her paper and walked down the aisle trying to find it's place.

I didn't move, not quite knowing what to do. should I say something? But what.... should I walk out and leave the cleaning up to her... no that would make her hate me more than she already did. I could apologize. I froze as the thought entered my head. I couldn't do that. She wouldn't forgive me. No matter what I said would never make up for what I did. Even if I said the truth she would hate me. Maybe even more than she already does. No, I couldn't apologize.

By the time I reached this conclusion Brooke had come back from putting the book away and was once again distracting me with her presence.

"I said you could go," her icy voice pulled me out of my train of thoughts, "I'll clean up. you can leave," her voice was cold and distant.

"No you don't have to put everything away, I'll stay and help," my voice came out cool and reserved. I sounded like I didn't care about her or this situation, which was completely not true.

Brooke looked at me, her brown eyes hardening when they met my green ones. "Choosing to stay, that's a first for you Smith."

I couldn't breath. She actually said it, said it in a way where only a person who truly knew her would see the hurt and disappointment in the comment. I saw that hurt and disappointment. And it killed me.


Sixth grade English. I walked in ready for the dullest class of my life. Middle school had sucked so far, and it was only the second month of the year. No the classes weren't hard, just boring, it was just I hadn't made a best friend yet. sure I had a close group of friends who would always hang together but.. I don't know, I didn't have anyone to call my best friend. I didn't have anyone to tell my secrets to, and even though I was a boy, I need a best friend.

I sat down in my seat putting my back pack on the seat next to me because it was empty, and waited for Mrs. Huntley to take roll.

When the bell rang, Mrs. Huntley began talking, "Good afternoon class. Today we have a new student and really hope you make her feel welcome. cliché of my to say but please make Brooke here part of the community and family of our middle school."

I looked up in surprise, and my eyes fell on the new girl. She was beautiful. Perfect brown hair that fell to her hips, dark brown eyes that seemed to crackle with energy, splashes of freckles on her nose and under her eyes, and a smile that literally made my pitiful 12 year old heart skip a beat. I instantly wanted to know her and befriend her.

"Okay so Brooke, you'll sit next to Brady... Brady raise your hand?" Mrs. Huntley looked over at me.

Unfortunately I was too busy gazing at Brooke to hear her.

"Brady? Are you listening?" I stared at Mrs. Huntley with a blank look on my face. The whole class laughed.. except Brooke.

"I said to raise your hand that way Brooke could sit next to you." she smiled at me.

"Oh sorry ma'am," my face heated up as I raised my hand. But instead of judging me Brooke just smiled and made her way over to the empty desk next to me.

Once she got to the desk she stopped and said something but once I again I didn't hear her because I was too busy staring.

When she started smiling and looking at me, I realized I had missed something. "I'm sorry what did you say?" Once again my face flamed.

But Brooke didn't judge she just let out a short laugh, not the judging-you-laugh but the cute-friend-laugh.
"I said can you move your backpack so I can sit down." Her eyes shone with amusement.

"Oh geez, I'm sorry," I quickly grabbed my backpack making room for her.

She sat down and shook her head laughing once again, "Nothing to be sorry for."

Suddenly a clap of hands brought both mine and Brooke's heads to whip around towards the front.

"I'm glad you've gotten to know each other, but Brooke and Brady, please be quiet it's time to learn." Mrs. Huntley then turned back to the board to start teaching what ever crud she had planned for us.

I wasn't listening though, all I could think was how good Brooke and Brady sounded together. I snuck a glance at Brooke who was looking at me and she whispered quietly, "Don't think I'm weird or anything.. but I like the way that sounds." I'm pretty sure with those words I fell in love. Well okay as much as any 12 year old boy could.

I hope you enjoyed chapter two of the TOWL (that looks funny) Anyway this chapter is longer than the first...

better or worse than the first? Do you guys like the little flashbacks at the end of each chapter? What do you think Brady did to her the destroy the amazing friendship they had?
xoxo, izz

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