Chapter Fourteen

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Brady's POV

"Okay my turn," I managed to say in between laughs, "I dare you to go to Ms. Brown's room and leave her a fake love letter."

Brooke's mouth dropped open and immediately began protesting, "Your dare was so much nicer! I can't do that!"

"Can't or won't?" I smiled batting my eyelashes in mock innocence.

"Brady," Brooke looked at me without blinking, "You will pay for this." I bit my lip to keep from laughing as I saw the slight hint of smirk on Brooke's face.

I strode towards her and linked my arm with hers. I don't think I heard a thing Brooke said as we walked towards the English hallway, only because I couldn't focus on anything but our small point of contact and her smile. It's like nothing had changed.

I loved her just as much as I did in sixth grade. No, I loved her more.

But I will never go there. I will never admit. I couldn't lose her again.


"Get up!" I felt the covers being ripped back off of my body, "I'm sick and tired of watching you throw your grades away. Enough is enough." My moms voice was cold and angry.

"I don't feel good," it wasn't exactly a lie. My body seemed to shut down without her. She had my heart. She was my brains. Without her I was crumbling.

"Are you on drugs?" Now this got me awake.

"No! I am definitely not on drugs," I had sat up and was gaping at my mom, "I told you, I feel sick."

My mom took a deep breath and sat down on the edge of the bed. She was silent and then picked up the frame that was lying facedown on my nightstand.

"She'll come back," my moms angry tone had vanished and she sounded pained, "You don't have a friendship like that and completely cut it off. I'm sorry she did this."

I felt like i was sucker punched, "No she won't. I'm the person who ruined the friendship. I let her go," I hated the way my voice cracked.

My moms face was still and then I saw a tiny tear slip down her face. she lightly touched the picture of Brooke and me, as if she was scared it would break.

"You should have told her," my mom voice was pained.

"Told her what?" I knew I was drawing closer to tears with each word.

"How you loved her," my mom gingerly set the photo correctly standing back onto my nightstand.

I was at a loss of words. I hadn't told anyone, much less my mom. "How did you know?"

"Anyone with eyes could tell you loved Brooke. And Brooke loved you." She drew in a breath, "She'll come back. She's the one. She's your family. She's my family."

"Mommy," I lost control in that moment, "I lost her. I hurt her. I love her. I've never said that to anyone, but I love her so much."

"I know sweetheart," my mom scouted closer and held me as the tears fell silently, "I loved her too." And I felt her tears silently falling as well.


"My Dearest Cynthia-" Brooke had started reading her letter out loud.

"Who's Cynthia?" I looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

"Ms. Brown," Brooke stared at me like I was an idiot, "Let me continue... My Dearest Cynthia. I have admired from afar for so long. But my bed is where you belong. Every moment spent on you, is a moment I would never undo. Though you see me as a brother, you are my dream lover. Come find me. Come save me from my sorrow. For I cannot handle another morning without you beside me. Don't you see. You are everything to me. Each moment filled with sparks. I think I see glimmer. I-"

At this point I couldn't concentrate on her words. I felt every cell in body crying out for Brooke. Her note seemed to have released any chain holding my feelings back, and yet she didn't seem to notice.


"Don't you trust me?" I yelled up to Brooke, "I will catch you!"

"Why did I let you come convince me to do this," Brooke's voice had an edge of panic but I didn't allow my confidence to diminish.

"Brooke you need to jump and trust me!" Despite my best efforts I was beginning to feel nervous about the situation.

Brooke, after months of begging, finally agreed to go rock climbing with my dad and me. Everything was perfectly fine as usual, until the decent back down.

Brooke's tether has broken, making my father and I crash into the ground from about a foot above it. Luckily for Brooke the force actually lifted her to a spot she now desperately clung to.

"Brooke I would never let anything happen to you," My heart was racing as I saw her slowly nod, "So trust me when I say I will not let you get hurt."

She turned her tear stained face towards me and time seemed to stand still as she let go and jumped towards my open arms.

I was ready when she hit my arms and I pulled her closer to me for protection as I fell. I then pushed her towards the backpacks and my dad attempting to find service, while I continued to slip dangerously down the terrain.

"Brady!" Brooke's scream was the last thing I can remember before everything got black.

In that moment, seconds before darkness took over, I thought I was going to die. And I wasn't scared, because I knew if I didn't survive the fall, it was to save the person who I always loved.

YAY NEW CHAPTER!! I just wanna say thank you for everyone for reading! The fact after 3ish years I still have loyal readers just blows my mind.

I hope you all have a great day!
Xoxo, izz

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