Chapter Twenty-Two

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Brady's POV

I sat up, jolted out of my drowsiness by distant sirens.

"Brooke," I kissed Brooke's shoulder, "I think someone might be coming."

"What?" Brooke's arms were around my neck and her head was in the crook of my neck, "Give me a few more minutes."

"Brooke," I couldn't stop a smile from spreading on my face, "Wake up sweetheart."

"I like that," Brooke kissed my neck, and I couldn't help the shiver that ran down my back.

Then the sirens noise got louder than before and Brooke forced her head up, "Do you think they're here to rescue us?"

"I don't know," I brought my forehead against hers and kissed her slowly.

"I don't want to leave," Brooke finally whispered against my lips, "I don't want reality again."

"This is our new reality," I whispered. I saw the twinge of pink in her cheeks and I felt myself smiling again.

"What about college?" Brooke's voice was so quiet I could hear my heart hammering against my chest.

I knew she would ask something like this. Brooke was so beyond intelligent and logical, questioning real problems other couples wouldn't fit her personality perfectly.

"I applied for our dream school," I finally managed to say, "I don't know if I will get in but I did it because we promised each other we'd go there one day."


"Brady!" Brooke was bouncing in her seat excitedly, "We're almost there!"

"I know," I rolled my eyes and stared out the airplane window.

The brown and green lands of California seemed to have no end. And yet, despite the lack of color that our little Colorado town had, it was beautiful and seemed to open us to a new world of opportunities.

"Brooke," My mom laughed, "Are you excited by any chance?"

Brooke looked at my mom too excited to give a sassy response. She just nodded and took a deep breath to calm herself down.

Three days ago my mom had called me during school to tell me that she got tickets to go to San Francisco and tour different colleges. She said I could chose one friend to bring. So of course by the time I had finished my phone call, Brooke was already packed.

"UC Berkeley is amazing," Brooke had found her notes on the college, "But it's almost impossible for two people from the same little town to get in."

"Two?" I raised my eyebrow at her.

"I'm not leaving without you," Brooke reddened slightly, "You're stuck with me."

"You know I could never get into Berkeley..." I smiled fondly at Brooke. Her eyes were twinkling and hair seemed to shine with the happiness surrounding her.

"Wrong," Brooke glared at me and shared a look with my mom, "While you were napping me and your mom were running some numbers. If you can pass..."

"Oh be quiet," I reach over into her seat and put my hand over her mouth, "No smart talk for right now. Let me admire the view..." I looked at her winked, attempting to cover the real feelings I felt every time I looked at her, "Brooke you're blocking it. Let me see the window."


"I applied too," Brooke looked at me her eyes seemed to dance around my face. I felt them memorizing every line and memory, "We're making our dream our reality."

"You are my dream," I breathed out slamming our lips together, not being able to wait any longer.

"And you are mine," her words made my body light up and fill with heat burning only for her. Every touch, every kiss made me fall deeper in love.

Then the sirens became deafening.



This chapter sucks and I can't believe it took so long to update only to produce this mess.

Anyway, as I've said before.. your comments and support are so amazing and inspiring. I am so deeply touched by each vote, reading list add, and comment. Thank you!


If you have anything you would like me to review, edit, or read just let me know! I would love to help you and/or support you!


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