Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Brooke's POV

I was stunned.

The chain seemed to glitter and untouched by the amount of time that it spent in Brady's backpack. I was speechless.

"Brady..." My hands shook as he took the necklace back and began to put it on me. He moved my hair and as his fingers barely skimmed my neck I shivered.

Once the necklace was on. I turned around slowly feeling as though I had a second heartbeat.

"You don't need to say anything," Brady voice was strangled, "This was long overdue."

I didn't say anything but rather lightly touched his face. Despite stating our feelings and beginning to be physical for the first time, I was scared of pushing too far or overstepping.

His face leaned into my hand and seemed to rely on it for support for just a second. Then he took my hand in his own and lightly kissed it. This sent a wave of emotions through my body.

"Just kiss me." And he did.


"Happy birthday darling," My mom's smooth voice greeted me as I woke up to the gentle sounds of rain on the window.

"Thank you mom," I sleepily replied.

"I have breakfast ready for you," My mom whispered, "And then we can open presents."

"You didn't need to get me anything, I know it's been a harsh financial year," I said sitting up.

"Shhh, Brooke enjoy your day." My mom touches my hair lightly and walked out of the room.

I quickly got out of bed and grabbed my jacket from my desk chair. The colors were faded but hoodie would always remain my favorite.

It felt weird getting up for my birthday knowing Brady wouldn't be here. He always was. Birthdays were important to us but for the first time he was gone. I forced myself to take a deep breath, refusing to let him ruin today as well.

"Surprise!" My mom said, proudly displaying my favorite breakfast with two presents wrap perfectly.

"Mom..." I gave her a hug and kissed her cheek, "I love you."

"I love you too baby girl," my mom touched my hair lightly, "Now open your presents."


"Take it off," Brady's voice was raspy as his hands slid under my shirt. The buttons were giving him trouble and it was admittedly funny.

"Having trouble?" I said my own mouth dipping close to his collar bone.

"Yes," Brady took a deep but strangled breath, "Too much clothing between us." I completely agreed.

Next thing I knew my sweater was tossed over my head onto the growing pile of clothes. Brady's mouth suddenly was on my neck. Moving down slowly I felt myself unable to focus on anything but his heat and my love.


"It's beautiful Mom," I touched the ring lightly scared to touch something so beautiful.

"It was your grandmother's wedding ring," My mom explained taking the ring from the box and sliding it onto my right hand ring finger.

"I know how much you miss Grams, so thank you Mom," I hugged her tightly. She squeezed back harder.


Every kiss seemed to burn my skin.

His mouth on my chest going slowly under the bra.

I couldn't breath.

"Pants off," I barely managed to croak. I didn't know anything except that I wanted the least amount of material between Brady and me.

Brady quickly obliged, stopping off his pants while keeping his lips still on my skin.

"One day I'm going to get you a ring like that," Brady's voice seemed to cut through the haze he had created. I opened my eyes and saw him staring at my grandma's ring, "You probably don't believe me now. But I promise one day I will."

"And I will say yes," I finally breathed, "But shut up and kiss me harder."


Well it's been a very very very long time and I have no one to blame but myself. Honestly I'm just proud to have finally finished a single chapter... little victories right?

Anyway, I'm back and ready for business.

Xoxo, izz

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