Chapter Twelve

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Brady's POV

"You can stay."

I had to be dreaming.

But it was real.

Her eyes met mine and I could see my emotions reflected in her brilliant brown eyes. I wanted to hug her. Kiss her. Touch her cheek. Grab her hand. But I knew I couldn't cross that line just yet.

"But don't make me regret it," Brooke's voice has begun to shake and I saw her blink back tears.

"I will never," it was the truth. I had spent countless hours regretting what I had done and many more hating myself for it.


"Where's Brooke?" Michael was looking at me heartbroken, "I miss her. The three of us always do Sunday lunch."

"She's not coming," I couldn't look at my brother, "Brooke won't be coming with us anymore."

"Why?" Michael's voice was quiet, "Did I do something wrong?"

Now I felt my own heartbreak, even more than it already was, "No, she loves you I know that for a fact. I didn't something Michael. I did it to protect her, but I hurt her. I hurt her very badly."

"But you love her," Michael was whispering, "And she loved you. You were going to get married."

I wish he could have been right. Of course I loved Brooke. But she had never seen me as anything but a friend. Now I've lost her forever. I left her.

"You can't let her go," Michael's voice was stronger now, "You guys will find each other again."

"That's the only thing not possible." I ruffled Michael's hair, "Now let's leave."

"No," Michael glared at me, "We aren't going to our Sunday breakfast until Brooke is back." Then he turned and walked back into the house.


"Let's see if you still remember me," Brooke was smiling, the first genuine one I had seen all night.

"What do you mean?" I asked her too confused to say anything .

"What's my favorite color?" She asked sitting down resting her back against the lockers.

"Navy blue." I was confident, and smiled when she nodded to confirm I had gotten it correct.

"Biggest fear?"

"The ocean."

"Pet goldfish name?"

"Rocky," I smiled now, "Because you won her in a mini tank with rainbow rocks."

I couldn't help but notice the way Brooke attempted to hide both her surprise and joy at the fact I remembered everything about her.

"Here's a harder one," Brooke held back a smirk but I also noticed a small emotion flicker. She wanted me to get this right, and I would. Finally she asked, "What did you get me for my birthday the first year we met?"

I understood her need. I understood why this memory was more important than the ones before.

"I wrote you a poem."


"It's a secret!" I was looking at Brooke slightly pink, "Open it when everyone else leaves!"

"Okay," Brooke smiled at me and like every time she did my heart beat sped up, "Guess everyone else needs to leave no... Party's over now! Thank you all for coming!"

She could be friends with anyone she wanted. She could be popular, she was already on top. Yet she chose me. She stayed with me. Of course she had Sophie, but deep down I wanted to believed I would always be more important.

It took about 10 minutes to get everyone ushered out of Brooke's house and into their parents cars. I smiled but also felt sick thinking about my present.

"Here," I grab the final wrapped present from the table and carefully handed it to Brooke.

She slowly unwrapped the present, showing the picture frame. She read the poem slowly. Then again. I knew at this point I had made a mistake. I had gone too far.

Then the next thing I know Brooke was hugging me, "Thank you Brady. This is the best gift I've every received."


"I took it off my wall," Brooke finally looked me in the eye, "But in reality it didn't matter. I have every line memorized."

I felt the tears burning in the back of my eyes, each word making them harder to contain, "I have a small copy in my locker. Because even when I didn't have you, I could remember when I did."

I looked down and noticed Brooke's hands shaking and without thinking it grabbed them both in my own. I brought them to my lips and lightly kissed them. It was habit. I shouldn't have done it, but there was nothing I could do to stop myself.

"I'm here now," My voice was beginning to shake now as well, "And I will spend everyday, until you decide if I'm worth it, to make up for the mistakes I made."

Brooke's eyes looked saddened and she was quiet with her next sentence, "Please don't leave me again."

My heart broke, yet I found myself repairing my body's damage from the time apart from Brooke.

"We see the same stars
We all hear the same scars
Bleeding and fleeing
Fleeing and bleeding
From those who care
From those who dare
But one promise will hold
Beginning with a story barely told
Dark ember
Your eyes, your hair I will always remember
I am yours today
I am yours tomorrow
I will never leave"


What's up my people! Only a three month break this time. (Yes I know I'm awful, I truly am sorry).
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It took me awhile to write but in the end I'm pretty happy with how it turned out!

I really want to get to know you all more since I am trying to become more active with my writing and with Wattpad! SO COMMENT, DM ME, LET MAKE NEW FRIENDS!!

Anyway love you all so much for sticking with this story for the past like 3 years probably lol.

Xoxo, izz

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