Chapter Eight

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Brady's POV

I held her against me and stroked her head while she cried. And I cried. I couldn't help it. I cried for her pain. For what I did. For what I lost. For everything. I cried until I couldn't cry any more.

She cried until her breath slowed to a deep breaths. Her steady breath calmed me until I felt my eyes dropping close.


"Just keep them closed," Brooke had her hands over my eyes and was directing me to... well whatever my surprise was.

"But I wanna know!" I put my hands on hers trying to push them off of my eyes. Unfortunately Brooke has the strength of an ox, so that didn't work.

"Stop whining like a little girl," she smiled. I don't actually know if she smiled, but whenever I think of this moment, she's always smiling.

"Please I know you love my little girl heart," I was smirking at her. I heard her laugh and imagined her rolling her eyes.

"Your right. Your little girl qualities really have me swooning," I was laughing now too.

"But in all seriousness... Can I open my eyes yet?" I really wanted to know what my surprise was.

"Yes, you can open your eyes now," She lifted her hands from my face, and suddenly my face grew cold without her touch. Bur I ignored the coldness and looked at what was in front of me.

"Holy shit," I was speechless. In front of me was my father's Harley Motorcycle he used to ride. I always had dreamt about repairing it and taking it out. But now I didn't need to. It looked brand new, except for the seat which was still the worn, red leather that my dad had loved.

"Do you like it?" Brooke looked at me nervously.

"Do I like it?" I looked at her with my eyebrow raised, "Nope," her face fell, "I love it."

Her eyes instantly lit up with the spark of energy that I loved, "Geez don't scare me like that. I was worried there for a second."

"How did this even happen? Who fixed it?" I was looking at the bike amazed by the details and work put into it.

"I did," Brooke laughed nervously, "I took a whole lot of classes, got very little sleep, and read countless repair books. And all to give you the best birthday gift."

I looked at her in awe. She had done all of this for me? The repair job was flawless and knowing that Brooke had done it made it even more perfect to me. I turned away from the bike and grabbed Brooke. I pulled her close to me and squeezed her hard. I didn't let go.


"Your going to kill me! And yourself! Slow down!" I heard Brooke yell behind me.

"If you were so worried about me, then you should have repaired the bike then," I shouted back smirking. The only reply was her arms squeezing me tighter.

We were on my motorcycle Brooke has repaired, and we were flying faster than the speed of light. I mean that's what it felt like. The air around me crackled with energy, but that was from Brooke touching me. Her touch always came with that energy.

"Slow down!" Brooke shouted at me again. I shook my head and sped up, "I hate you!" She screamed.

"And I love you," but my voice was lost in the wind.

Way shorter chapter. oops.
Just some more memories of the two of them... and an emotional breakdown. What do you think?
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