Chapter 7

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Even if I'm not full on vampire I should at least want it. I can smell it and I hate it.

"You'll have to drink it at some point. You can survive without drinking it at least once a week," PJ reminded when we were sat at the table.

"You also need to drink vampire blood first," Chris pointed out popping up out of no where.

"Chris!" I said maybe a little too loudly, "where have you been?"

"So I heard you were some kind of special fledgling?" he smiled crossing his arms sitting on the other side of Peej.

"I haven't seen you and days and all you can say is that I'm special?"

"He's not wrong," Phil mumble continuing to eat his pancakes, "you are special."

"I'm not special. I'm just the loser that can't even be a vampire the right way," I shook my head starring at my full plate, suddenly not up for eating.

"So you want to be a full vampire?" Chris asked.

"If it'll make me fit in with everyone else more then yeah, obviously."

"Go on Phil," Chris said watching me intently, "It has to be the one that changed you."

"Not right now. He's been through enough crap in the past day and a half. You know what it's like when it happens."

"Well maybe he's different because one hour after bitten we were all fed vampire blood."

"Is that why I'm different?"

"No. You were special. Before I had the chance to give it to you Allana stopped me."


"Something about you and your sister."

"But you described her as normal as everyone else."

"She is as far as I know. I haven't been able to see her, I've been looking after you."

"You thought so? I want to go see her, now."

"Daniel," a dark skinned girl spoke standing at the end of the table, "Allana would like to speak to you."

"Allana? The Allana?" I stuttered feeling queasy. What does she want with me. I'm done being special, I don't want whatever is making me special.

"I'll come with you," Phil said already standing.

"No!" girl practically shouted, "she wants to speak with him alone."

No I don't want to go alone. If Phil feels the need to go with me then I most definitely don't want to go alone.

"No, I insist I go with him."

"She said only the cho-"

"I'm a Remaining, I have more authority than you. I'm more than sure Allana will understand," Phil said determined to accompany me to see her.

What did she mean 'only the cho'? Please tell me I'm not some kind of chosen one. If I wanted to be Harry Potter I would runaway to a cosplay not a vampire school. What did Phil mean when he said he was a Remaining?

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