A/N so...

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So... at the moment I'm not really sure of this story. Like if I'm going to continue it; I might based on how people like it but I may be slow on updates. I love it though, I'm pretty sure its the best plot I've ever thought of. Now this is not my first fanfic but its my first phanfic so bare with me on this. At times it wont always be about phan (especially at the begining), it's more about the Vampire War. Feel free to ask questions if you're confused on anything and I'll try and answer. AND please no rude comments, I'm a very fragil person so if you do I'll probably cry and no one wants that. If you have any problems with this please just be kind or don't say anything at all.

If you read this I love you guys and I hope you have a wonderful day :)

And if you can check out my tumblr @bands-youtubers-mylife

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