Chapter 11

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Chris and PJ had stayed all morning until noon, and I was so exhausted that I passed out the moment the door had closed after them. Which also means I haven't talked to Phil alone since last night.

I sat up on my bed a wiped the sleep from my eyes, and stretched my arms out before getting up to find a change of clothes.

By the looks of Phil's empty bed, he's more than likely gone to take a shower. It's almost six thirty, and he's usually  back by now. That means I only have a short amount of time before we finally discuss the- what would you call that? The almost kiss? The flirting?

I also start school today. I guess it's not a bad thing, unlike my old studying habits, I really like learning about vampires. I just need Phil to direct me to the office so I can get my schedule.

While looking around for a book, I noticed that Phil must have cleared the books from my bed last night. And now that I think of it he must have also covered me with the duvet that had been lying on the floor. He's so sweet, I don't think I've ever met someone as nice as he's been. And at times I feel as though I'm blinded by his adorableness to remember that he's actually a twenty-four year old and not a four year old. Although I don't think I'll have that problem anymore.

I put my text books in my bag and sat in Phil's chair looking at the little origami cranes laid across the back of the desk. It's the kind of cranes that when you move their tail their wings move also.

"My friend Hazel loves to make those. She likes to make other things too, like swans and hearts," Phil startled me almost making me fall out of the chair.

"Maggi likes to make little heart ones when she's bored," I replied not sure what else to stay, "she taught me how to make the cranes too."

"Are you ready?" he asked picking up his bag as well as a folder that was laid across the desk.

"Yeah," I smiled slightly, standing up to follow him. And seeing as how it's too late for breakfast, I'll have you go straight to my first class as soon as I figure out what it is.

"Oh, and you might need this," he mumbled reaching into the folder to pull out some papers, "it's your schedule."

I took it and looked over it,

1st-Vampire History I.  • 206 A. Farris
2nd-Healing and Health  • 218 D. Erin
3rd-Art  •263 S. Raven
4th-Power/Gift Training  •280 E. Lewis
5th-Math I.  • 208 K. Hart
6th-Potions •219 J. Thompson

Okay, I'm a vampire now why on earth do I need maths class?

"And here's a copy of my schedule in case you need me," he smiled lifting up my schedule paper to show me it was underneath, "You also get an elective for fun, so I signed you up for art class with PJ."

"Awesome. So we have gift training together?"

"Yeah it doesn't matter what year you're in in that class."

"Are we ever going to t-"

"Dan!" Luke yelled running up to hug me, "I haven't seen you in forever, Emma said you got here last Monday."

"Yeah, I haven't spent much time outside my dorm," I replied hugging him back, "And you were the one who disappeared almost a month ago."

"Sorry about that, I saw a good opportunity and took it."

"It's completely okay. I mean I did the same thing."

"I know, I heard you were important to Allana. What's that about?"

"Something about a pro-"

"We should get going," Phil said suddenly, wrapping his arm around my shoulder moving me in a different direction.

"You shouldn't talk to others about that, Dan," Phil whispered as we got further away.

"Well I guess it makes since that I shouldn't in some ways, but why can't I say anything to Luke? I've known him since we were little. I know we can trust him."

"It's not that exactly, Dan," Phil stopped us from walking and pulled us aside near a water fountain, "Xavier could be observing us, we aren't safe to talk about things like this outside of Allana's rooms. No matter how secluded this place seems to be."

"Do you really think he could be listening?"

"It's happened before," he replied looking down sadly for a moment, "he found out about her saving people like me. The people he left for death."

I grabbed his wrist trying to get his attention but I had forgotten about what gift I last replicated.

He was standing in a dim hallway walking towards the end. There was splatters of blood on the wall but no bodies could be seen. Phil looked at a door to his left cautiously, as if it would fling open at any moment.

Handprints of blood and a black substance covered the door, and though the window of the door I could see a girl.

She was really young, with strawberry blond hair that shown in the moonlight through a broken window inside. Phil felt terrified as he ran over to the door trying to open it. He watched through the window. The girl was now on the ground crawling towards Phil, with a dark mist hovering above her. Blood covered her right leg, smearing against the tile each time she made a effort to move.

"Hang on, Rosie!" he shouted desperately trying to kick the door down. As I watched the cloud swirl above her I noticed a giant desk had been pushed against the door, it was no use.

And It was too late.

She looked at him through the door window with tears streaming down her cheeks.
"Run, Phil," she whispered just before the mist covered her completely.

I snapped out of the vision and looked at him still exactly where he was.

"All classes are on the second and third floor, yeah?" I asked trying to get his attention on anything but what he was just remembering, no matter how stupid the question. Tactical telepathy's have an amazing way of remembering everything in great detail if they choose to do so. It's something I read about in one of those books, and it's been true so far.

"Yeah, most of yours are on the second, except for art and some of your training but you'll figure that out once you get there," he managed to smile slightly grabbing my hand as we walked again. He doesn't care. He doesn't care what they think or will think. Maybe he feels safer with me, the way I feel with him

"I feel really anxious about this," I mumble quietly as we reached the stairs. Again it's like all this time I've been here he's been a kind of security blanket that I just can't let go of.

"You'll be fine, you can always text me if you need anything."

"I guess," I murmured turning towards the door marked History I. - Farris.

"And Dan," he said barely audible, slightly resisting letting go of my hand, "be safe."

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