Chapter 8

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I fainted again. This time I didn't wake up twenty minutes later, I woke up three hours later.

Phil tells me that Maggi was informed about everything by Professor Hale. She's suppose to be with Louise now. I can't imagine how afraid she must have been. No, nope I doubt she was afraid, I bet she even probably laughed at my stupidity. She's always been stronger than me.

"I'm sorry I've kept you from your studies all this time," I said as we sat in the room in silence watching tv.

"It's fine all I have to do is learn it from someone else's memories."

"That's pretty cool, does it hurt you when you use your power?" I asked not really paying attention to the show.

"No, not really, and no it doesn't hurt other people either."

"Why do you think I pass out all the time?" I probably already know.

"You want me to be honest? But I don't think Allana would approve of me telling you."

"If you know, Phil, I want you to be completely honest with me."

"You're not suppose to have any powers. You're not suppose to be alive," the room was dimly lit but I swear I could see sorrow in his eyes, "you aren't a real complete vampire. I don't know why she's stopping me from changing you completely but she is."

"Oh," I couldn't think of anything else to say. I didn't know what to say. I'm okay with being dead and immortal compared to just dying all together.

"I was told to bring you back once you woke up but Luna came by and told me to go at eleven forty."

"Phil, it's eleven thirty-seven."

"I know."

"When were you planning to tell me?" I asked.

"Soon," I don't think he wants me to go. He looks scared of what might happen.

"Let's go," I replied getting off my bed walking to the door waiting for him to follow.


"Phil, I know you're worried about what she'll do. Who knows maybe she'll want me to change, and last time I checked I need you there with me."

He stayed silent and didn't protest the whole way there. I was scared, but I knew that whatever she was going to do couldn't be changed. Anything is better than just slowly dying.

"Dan!" Maggi was standing by Allana's door holding a book. Percy and Deacon were now no where to be see. She let go of hugging me and turned to Phil, "Do you know why we were called here? Luna told me to wait here."

I watched as he looked down at her, and shook his head with the same frown that plastered his face since we had left the dorm.

Suddenly we all faced the door as it slowly creaked open. I stepped closer to Phil knowing I would feel much safer as I did.

Phil said he trusted this women that he practically owed his life to. Since he found me, I'm pretty sure his thoughts have been gradually changing.

"Allana will see you now," it was a different girl this time. She had long ginger hair and green eyes, she looks almost the same age as Allana does.

"Mamrie," Phil whispered as I followed behind him, "She's another Remaining."

I'm still not sure what that means. It can't be bad; well at least I hope it's not.

"I'm going to explain this quickly before Allana comes out," Mamrie said in a hushed tone, "Phil will be changing Dan, and Allana will be changing Maggi."

So Allana was the one who bit her, and she hasn't changed her completely either.

"This has to been done at the same time-" she tried to continued until Allana appeared from her room.

"Jim Chapmen came to me a month ago and again last night and told me of a prophecy. The first one he told about twins, a boy and a girl, and promised that you are suppose to save us.

He then showed me his vision last night, I saw you standing next to Maggi at a lake covered in muck and blood. My brother was lying on his back in the sand lifeless and cold to the touch. In the back ground I could hear shouting, and I could see fighting and death but I also saw defeat."

Phil was usually strong and bright, he was now faded dim as she explained what was yet to come. I, as always, felt sick and shaky. Maggi still exceeding my expectations looked hopeful and almost determined.

"Tell me of your thoughts," she spoke moments later.

"I always knew we were special," Maggi smiled grabbing my hand.

"You are," Allana insisted, "Dan, are you going to say anything?"

"I'm not sure what to say. I think I- we, could do it, I sure we can win."

"As do I. Phil, are you ready."

It was dark outside, and the room was lit up with candles despite there being electricity. Two chairs and a table sat at the end of the room in front of the throne. Two golden goblets were set on a small table along with what looked like a dagger.

In what seemed like only a couple of seconds Maggi and I were sitting in those chairs, watching as Allana and Phil stood on either side of us waiting.

"It's five minutes till twelve," Mamrie stated standing in between them a few steps back.

Allana took the knife and brung it up to her wrist cutting it letting the blood slowly drip into the cup. She handed the dagger and handed it to Phil. I winced as he did the same. We made eye contact and I could tell that he would rather be anywhere else but here.

"Two minutes."

"This is going to be painful," he whispered looking as if he was going to go insane.

"I know you're scared of hurting me, but Phil, I'll be okay."

"He has no choice," Allana said looking at him as if scolding him for thinking otherwise, "I'm here to numb the pain, and Luna is just a room away to help you rest."

I'm sure it's only a second away. Whatever human is left in me will be gone in a matter time. What's almost calming is that I can smell his blood. It doesn't smell like what I smelled at breakfast it smells- sweet? I never thought I could enjoy the sent of something I thought I hated.

I don't think I could ever hate Phil in any way. Not hating his blood doesn't seem so odd if I think of it in that way.


Allana mumbled a couple of incoherent words and gave the cup the Maggi, Phil then handed mine to me.

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