Chapter 13

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"Sure," I replied standing up as she motioned me up towards the front.

"My gift is healing, and I haven't really studied on duplication so I'm not sure how it works," she whispered, as I  approached, incoherent to the others. I held out my hand trying my best to be confident in the knowledge of my power.

She grasped my hand and I held if for a moment before letting it go.

It didn't work. Is this how it used to be to Phil? Every time I touch someone for more than a couple of seconds I end up have visions.

She was there. She had been close to Rosie before she was taken. Rosie was also a healer, and a shapeshifter.

I forgot that double powered vampires existed. Phil told me it was the rarest thing that could ever happen to one of us, and now that I think about it my power kind of cheats that.

"Okay," she smiled at me and then to the class, "Dan can you hold out your hands please?"

I really should tell her that it didn't work but I'd rather not embarrass myself- I mean I guess it could have worked. I just did as told.

"Close your eyes and concentrate on this," she reached underneath the desk and pulled out a cage. In the cage laid a small black and white furry little guinea pig. I made a questioning face as she picked him out and say him in my hands.

"He and another guinea pig got into a fight this morning, and he was bitten on his leg. Your objective is to heal it," he announced lightly stroking his back as he laid there motionless.

"How exactly?" I asked in a hushed tune inaudible to the others.

"Try and close your eyes. Think about him, his name is Jupiter. Trust me you'll feel it work when it happens."

So I closed my eyes and thought about the little life in my hands. So fragile, and the furriest little creature I've ever seen.

I once had a hamster when I was younger, I named it Suki.
Maggi hated him, anything that's small and resembles mice; well except for guinea pigs, which I can understand given that they're quite larger.

From the moment I got that hamster it wanted to escape. It would break out of its cage ever so often and I would tear the house apart looking for him. Well, until one day he was no where to be seen.  I understand perfectly, after all I escaped from my life as well. I hope he stayed safe, at least for a little while. The least I can do now is help little Jupiter here.

I kept all thoughts on his life and where he had been hurt. I was about to give up when my palms started to go numb and get tingly.

I heard a few wows and gasps erupt from around me, and so I opened my eyes to another sound. The sound of a happy, healthy guinea pig now standing.

"I'm sure he'll be back to popcorning around in no time, thanks to you Dan," Mrs. Erin laughed motioning me to set him back in the cage.

For the first time in a long time I actually feel useful and proud of what I'm capable of.

Just wait until Phil hears about this.

I returned to my seat and Tyler leaned in next to me, "I didn't know you could do that," he whispered.

"I knew I had power duplication, but I surprised myself with doing this."

"I don't think you could handle my power."

"Oh really? What is it then?"

"Actual duplication, I can be in two places at the same time. My gift is omnipresence."

"Yeah, you're right I don't think I'd be able to do it either," I sighed knowing that I'd probably find someway to mess up even if I did try.

"Who do you sit with at lunch? You seem pretty cool."

"Uh, Phil Lester and a few others from my old school," I replied, a little caught off guard by the question.

"You should sit with us sometime," Tyler smiled before returning to his work.

The offer is a little tempting but I'm not so sure I would leave the group I'm in now. I feel safe there, and knowing that I could be attacked at any moment has kind of made me feel anxious anywhere else.

The rest of class went by quickly. I said goodbye to Tyler, and headed towards an upper floor to go to Art. Why on earth would Chris and Peej had chosen a class like this is beyond my comprehension.

It was one of the first doors I came across. I stared at it for several moments until it dawned on me. I had seen this door before. This is where it had happened, Rosie and Phil. The walls around me in the hall had been repainted do to blood stains, and no longer were there windows inside the classroom.

Moving past my fears I entered the door, and found PJ and Chris right away.

"Took you long enough to get here," Chris said as I as I approached their usual choice of seating in the back.

"Sorry, this place is on a whole other level than my other classes."

"Excuses, excuses," he shook his head as he rummaged through a basket of paint brushes.

"Have you seen Luke?" I asked them remembering what Phil had told me before.

"Yeah, I just had History with him. Why?" PJ replied.

"I just haven't really seen him all too much recently; I was just wondering if he's okay."

"Yeah of course he is, he's Luke."

"Okay. I have a question that I was wondering if you guys knew about."

"What is it?" Chris asked now completely focused on me.

"Have you guys heard of the Remaining?"

"No," PJ answered giving a questioning look.

"Yes," Chris now said in a quiet whisper.

"What exactly are they. I think I know, but I feel like there's more to the story."

"Why don't you ask Phil? I'm not that sure and if I'm wrong about it, I shouldn't really be telling you," Chris frowned, fidgeting with the brush in his hands.

It's odd really, the way people react to my questions now days. None of my questions are really answered by anyone but Phil.

I'm pretty sure a Remaining is what Phil referred to as 'the ones he left for death'; the ones Xavier had Alec try and kill.

I wonder how many survived beside Phil and Mamrie. And If there were to be another attack, would they be they ones to die first?

I had wrote the part with Jupiter before I had ever gotten my new Guinea pig.
If you have seen on Phil's Twitter he replied to a tweet about a black and white Guinea pig the other day and basically named it 'captain zebra'. Yeah... that's actually my Twitter account and my new Guinea pig, Jupiter-'Captain Zebra'.


Anyways that was a huge birthday gift, the Phil Lester actually replying to my tweet. I'm now 18 though and I'm scared. I'll be okay though, my friend isn't far behind me on the whole 'basically an adult' thing too.

Also thank you for letting me have some time off to become okay again. Things happened *cough* messed up drama *cough* with my so called 'best friend', who is now still my best friend because I'm and I quote her 'a really great person'

Anywho, I hope you all have a lovely day and be sure to check out my other book 'Falling', it will be updating soon -Laurianne :)

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