Chapter 15

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I don't understand why he's like this. Maybe he's just worried about me, but then why would he want me to leave? He can't stay mad for long.

I wandered into the library and searched for the books on Alec and the Shadow Realm.

It must have been hours since because PJ and Chris had to come find me for dinner. I had skipped lunch all together.

So Alec can take other vampires into the realm and he can take them out again, but he cannot take out those who were not thrown in by a vampire of that ability. It's actually possible that Rose is still alive, only she's now stuck in the shadow realm.

Phil probably already knows this. There's no way to bring her back because Alec would never do anything like that.

But I was wondering if it's possible for me to bring her back if I gain Alec's ability. That would mean getting close to him and if I fail I'll be stuck with the rest of them.

"Where's Phil, Dan?" Louise asked staring at the place beside me.

I shouldn't tell them. He can't actually throw me out of our room. I mean, unless Allana agrees with him. He's my creator, he can't just bail on me now.

"Uh, um, I'm not sure exactly."

"After that fight you and Ethan had I can't believe he left your side at all," Chris mumbled waiting to watch my reaction.

"I was in the library, I'm fine," I tried to reassure them.

They know something must be wrong, but I don't know what to do. These few weeks all I've done is follow in his foot steps, every move he made, and now he's just disappeared all of the sudden. If I were them is be worried too.

"Neither of you came to lunch either," PJ pointed out, immediately ducking his head down not really wanting to be apart of this.

"Actually I'm just going to go back to the room early," I gave up grabbing my food tray to put them in the bin.

I left the dinning hall and made my way towards the staircase.

Somehow they managed to make me feel anxious about this. I've thought this whole time that everything would turn out okay, but what if it won't? What happened to make Phil snap like that in the first place?

I reached our door and opened it quietly. Somehow I expected him to be made and angry the moment I saw him. Thankfully, he was in his bed clutching onto a book sound asleep.

I walked over and placed the strewn blanket on the floor across him.

Tomorrow's going to be a long day, I can already tell.

When I woke up he was gone. His bed was made the clutter on the floor had been cleaned, and the book he had held onto was sticking out from under his pillow.

Everything in me told me not to, because the moment he touched me he would know that I looked. Despite that knowledge, I did anyway.

It was a photo album. The first picture had to of been his family. He looked so different as a mortal.

Then all of the rest of the photos were of people I had never seen, unless Phil had been in them. And then of course there were pictures of Phil and Rosie. And in the very last few pages there were pictures of Phil and a guy. His name was written at the bottom page— Theo. They seemed close.

"What are you doing?" Of course Phil had only left the room for a shower, and of course he came back to me snooping through his things.

I just turned around stunned that he had come back and that I had been caught.

"Do you really want me to leave?" I asked ignoring the current situation.

"No," he wasn't even looking at me he just kept staring at the book.

"Are you still mad at me?"

"I was never really mad at you, Dan," he replied sincerely, now looking at me, walking over to where I was stood, "I am sorry."

A moment of relief washed over me until I realized he only came over to keep the book away from me.

"What is that exactly?"

"The rest of us," he muttered flipping through the pages only stopping right before the last few pages and I couldn't help but to guess why.

Like I said they seemed really close in those pictures, and he didn't directly say that he was gay but he hinted at it. It's not like I was the first guy he ever fancied.

Which means that Theo was a Remaining also, so he's in the shadow realm.

"You don't have to say anything."

"It's just I don't— why does it all come back to you?"

I'm not sure if it was a question towards me or himself.

"What do you mean?"

"Theo, he died and when I finally feel like I'm getting over him— you come around, and it just starts all over again. I can't watch you die too."

I hate that he can always remember; he'll never be able to forget.

"I'm not going to die, Phil."

"Yeah? Really? How do you know that? Theo said the exact same thing. Rosie did too, and you saw what happened to her."

To him it's like he's reliving the past,  and I'm scared of it actually happening but I saw the prophecy. I live.

"What if they're not dead?"

"Dan you can't fix this."

"If I copy Alec's ability I can go into the shadow realm."

"Don't you dare."

"Don't you want them back?"

"Not if it means losing you too."

I'll do what I need to. Even if it goes against what he wants. If I have the dark mist too then Xavier has nothing bigger against us. Question is, how do I get to Alec?

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