Chapter 18

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Phil's hand slid into mine as we made our way down the hall, "Chris is going to ask so many questions."

"Just ignore him."

"But he's Chris."

"Then just tell the truth."

—Like the fact that we haven't even kissed let alone done other more intimate things? Or that I'm not even completely sure that we are a couple, I mean it's not like you go around calling me your boyfriend...

I ignored his reply and focused on the real problem at hand.

He promised not to read my thoughts, and so whether he's going to or not is beyond me. I just can't sit around while he goes off to fight some guy who has the power to take him away forever. I'm sorry, I'm just not going to be that kind of person.

"Okay now you're zoning out. If we stay together through this, will you be okay then?"

"I guess. It's not like I have any say so, since I'm a first year and all."

"Stop being that way. You know that I just want you safe."

"Well what if I want the same for you? I couldn't imagine you not being here," I replied almost in a yell. He's so stubborn.

"You worry too much."

"I've seen what he's capable of and I'm not just going to sit around."

We reached the door to the auditorium, guarded by the same two dogs from Allana's office. They stepped aside and allowed us to go in.

It was loud, everyone was arguing and yelling. On stage held Allana, Blake, and Hale along with about nine others.

"They're the remaining," Phil said talking over the students making sure I could hear him.

I knew and expected Mamrie but I was more than shocked by the three that followed after her; Connor, Tyler, and Troye.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I began to feel even more anxious that I had before. It's like the thoughts I had became real once I saw the reality of it all. I could not only lose Phil but I could lose my other friends as well. No one is safe.

"Before yesterday I had no idea how close you were to them. The rest are Hannah, Mark, Felix, Jack, and Grace."

I held in my next statement as I heard my sister, "You're finally here, I was so worried."

She hugged me from the side and I began to feel a little more at ease. She looked a bit terrified and I can't help but to blame myself for her getting put into such an awful situation.

"I'm fine," I reassured and glanced beside her to see our friends.

"Luke disappeared," Emma mumbled watching the people scattered around the auditorium.

"I'm sure he'll turn up sooner or later, don't worry," Maggi consoled her, breaking away from me.

"I can't find Alfie or Joe either," Zoe appeared from behind Chris, gazing in all directions of the room.

I looked around as well trying to catch a glimpse of Caspar, Joe's best friend, or Jim, who I believe is Alifie's best friend. One of them are bound to know where they are.

"I found them," Phil spoke pointing towards the stage behind the remaining. Joe, Alfie, Caspar, Jim, and even more stood there with them. Everyone they had mentioned but Luke.

"Why are they up there?" Maggi asked keeping Zoe from getting closer.

"I think they're up there as the guard," Chris said as we watched even more guys join the stage.

"I thought all guards were hellhounds," PJ pointed out gesturing at the door guarded by another mastiff.

"In case of an emergency all males are required to step into place if war is upon us–" Phil tried explaining.

"You need to come with us," A tall man dressed in a training uniform approached us– he must be professor Lewis, I've seen the others in the ability class wear the uniform.

"With all due respect I'm going to stay here with, Dan," Phil said shrugging the professor's hand from his shoulder.

"Allana asked for you three specifically."

"What about Dan?"

"Heath and Lear are here to watch him and Maggi," he replied to Phil grabbing his shoulder again, as another mastiff came and directly sat on my feet.

"Phil!" I yelled as he only turned his head to look back. Two other men then took Chris and Peej as they also tried to protest.

"He'll be fine,"
Maggi tried reassured me crouching down to pet the other dog lying at her feet.  

"This means we stick together," I said in a serious tone as the the three others watched us worriedly.

Emma looked terrified as she still searched for Luke, Zoe now on the verge of tears watched Alfie and Joe, and Louise stood beside me clutching onto Zula and Rocket nestled inside her coat as she stared at the hounds at our feet.

"Of course we are, I don't know about them but I'm sure as hell not going anywhere," Louise said gazing at Allana worriedly, as she began to speak.

The whole room went silent.

"As you all know, the fairies came to us in our sleep. And as you may be wondering, yes, the message foretold is true. The darkness is among us. I have asked every male student and highly gifted teachers to watch over our school and to protect us. Everyone will be divided into factions and sent into secluded sections of the castle directed by the teachers. All of the Remaining will be our top priority against the Dark Mist. "

"Follow me," Professor Blake said grabbing my wrist and motioned to Maggi.

I stopped and he continued to tug me along.

"No, my friends have to come with us. You took everything- everyone else from me."

"I can't protect all of you."

"As sexist your attempts at gathering new guards were, I'll have you know we can protect ourselves," Zoe defended catching up to us, "if you take them you take us too."

"I'm not responsible for what happens–"

"You don't have to be," Emma responded snapping out of her previous worries.

Now again, dragging me with his death-like grip, he made his way towards the one side of the castle that not many go yet it's the one place I'm actually familiar with.

Instead of heading towards the top to Allana's office we instead headed down the stairwell.

With each few steps the bricks beneath us began to crumble at our feet then soon became old and dingy as if no one had been down here in years. Which is probably very likely.

After what seemed like ages we slowed our pace as the stairway became smaller and the lighting became more faded.

"Inside," Blake said plainly, forcing me inside another doorway that seemed to miraculously appear. 

"Be quite and don't move around too much, I'll be outside the door."

The door closed shut, the air inside as cold and musty as the air outside. I sighed looking at my friends that surrounded me.

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