Chapter 2

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The sun should never be aloud this early in the morning.

"Dan you're gonna be late for school!" Maggi yelled from somewhere in the house. I rolled onto my stomach and covered my head with my pillow. This is going to be a long day. I can feel it all ready.

Early yesterday morning when Maggi brought me home I thought I was done for. I seriously thought Harvey was literally going to kill me, but the truth is Maggs was right he doesn't care about me. Not even enough to punish me for leaving, although my mum did throw a fit about it and grounded me for longer.

She started talking about how she's going to put bars on my window like on Harry Potter, and I obviously thought it was funny so I laughed. That was a big mistake because guess who is now willing to help with that?

Harvey is such an ass. I wouldn't be surprised if I came home to my window like that this afternoon. I can't hide the day away in my bed, even though I'd like to try.

I got out of bed and rummaged around in my closet till I found some black outfit that actually matched. I really need to do laundry. You know you're running low on clean clothes when you can't find a matching black outfit in a wardrobe of nothing but black or dark clothing.

To be honest I probably only own maybe a few white T's, and like, maybe a red hoodie.

"Dan, I made toast and bacon," Maggi said sticking her head in through the door just as I started straightening my hobbit-like hair.

"Kay, thank you, I'll be down in a bit."

"Have you heard from PJ since Saturday?"

"No, why? I'm sure he just didn't want to bother calling the house phone."

"That seems to make some sense," she replied looking at me worried, tapping her nails against the doorframe.

"Oh no, he promised he wouldn't leave. He's at home right now or on his way to school. He promised Maggs, I have some faith in him."

"Okay. It's just, if he did leave, Dan. Don't leave without me too."

"He wouldn't do that, at least not without talking to me first. I mean why would he? He really doesn't have a reason like us or the others."

"I just... I'm just saying that it could've happened," she said before leaving looking even more sad than before.


Out of all the things that occurred yesterday my mom still didn't take away my keys. I'm really surprised by that, but then again my grandparents bought it for me.

You know, the rich ones, my fathers parents, the people we barley ever see. They don't really care, they just feel a little obligated to give us stuff because of how crappy my father is. And that was my birthday present, and they had also gotten Maggi one too.

Maggi and I are twins, both born on June eleventh, five minutes apart, and of course I'm oldest.

As I drove to school, I started thinking about the PJ situation even more. I understand why he didn't call but Maggi has gotten me worried over this. He better be at school when I get there.

"But what if he's not?" I wondered aloud.

I shook my head. He wouldn't leave me would he?


I rushed into the school just before the bell rang to head to first. He better be in that desk in left corner of that class or so-

He's not. The bell rang once more, and everyone moved around me to get to their own seats. I stood there frozen for a second staring at his empty desk right beside two others, mine and Chris'.

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