Chapter 14

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I've never been so exhausted in my whole life. I'm ten minutes late for my training class because no one told me it was being held outside today so I had to run. I ran down two flights of stairs.

I'm not physically exhausted really, it's just the thought of running so far that makes me think I'm about to pass out. I've never been that active before. It takes a lot to wear out a vampire.

"Where have you been?" Phil scolded immediately when I emerged from a hidden door that led me into courtyard. A courtyard that held several people. Several people with several eyes watching me.

"I didn't know where this place was let alone that we were even suppose to be down here. I had to ask a lot of people where before I got an answer."

"Who are you?" A guy at the front of the large group asked before stepping down from the concrete podium beneath him.

He must be our teacher. I should've learned by now that, when you're like we are, you shouldn't judge people by their age. But of course this guy looks as if he's my age, or maybe even younger. It's almost scary.

"This is Dan Howell, Maggi's twin brother," Phil explained gesturing his hands towards Maggi a couple feet away. I glanced at her, she was surrounded by girls; I recognized some of course like Louise and Emma, but not really any of the others. I'm really glad that she's making friends.

The guy glanced towards my sister and the back at me, "You're the copier?" he inquired almost in disgust.

"Yeah, so what?" I answered almost too arrogantly towards him. Whether it was the fact that he's much shorter or looked a bit younger than me, I should know never to cross that sort of line with a vampire I don't know.

"So what? Really? Are you that confident? Do you really want to be rude to me," by just the sound of his voice I was ready to hurt him. It's as if I had no control over my senses.

I felt Phil's hand touch my shoulder to slightly pull me further from him advancing towards me.

"That's enough Ethan," Phil said now standing in front of me, starring down at the boy.

"Oh come on Philip. I'm just having some fun with him, after all you know he doesn't have the guts to actually hurt me," Ethan laughed looking directly at me. His voice made me cringe.

As if an instinct kicked in, I lurched towards the guy just as Phil grabbed my wrist.

"Come on Phil, just let him go," Ethan smiled taking a step closer to me. I could feel my teeth becoming sharp, and breath becoming more shallow as concentrated on his movements.

"You're just weak aren't you? Nothing but a pathetic little copier; you can't even developer your own gift can you? I can't believe you're letting this so called 'upperclassmen' hold you back. He's nothing but a dim little memory tracer."

I turned my head towards the other students thinking about which of their gifts would best suit me at this time. Frantically, I lightly pushed Phil to the side, and grabbed at Caspar's arm.

I remember someone at the dining hall telling about the time he froze the rain just right and made it snow one day last year. Not that freezing Ethan was the best choice, but the only one to do enough damage that I could remember was Caspar.

Oddly Caspar didn't move away like the rest, he watched my actions and held out his hand.

"I never liked the guy," he encouraged, "..and better you than me."  

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