Chapter 19

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This is not how I imagined this year at all. I was going to graduate, we all were, and I was going to do law, Peej was going into film, and Chris wasn't even sure yet. Everything happened so quickly and by morning they might not even be alive.

My friends before me had dreams too. Maggi wanted more than anything wanted to become a school counselor, of course because she loved helping others. Louise adores helping animals and that's obvious, Zoe inevitably was going to be a cosmetologist, and Emma always talked about how she wanted to travel.

These were the people Maggs and I grew up with. These were the kids who all had to have the same want that led us here. Now look at us.

The small room with barely any light, held large boxes in one corner and a few sleeping bags and blankets in the other. In the back of the room held another door leading to a bathroom.

"It'll be fine guys," I said trying my best to find some sort of 'bright' side.

"Yeah," Maggs encouraged, "Let's just look around and see what we can find."

While the girls rummaged through the cardboard boxes that lined the edge of the room I walked over by the door and sat in front of the two hounds.

"Alright what is this place?" I questioned quietly.

"It was designed as a safe place." Heath said now laying down.

"You shouldn't be telling him this," the other, Lear, warned.

"Why? They deserve to know. It can't keep him out, nothing can, we are all sitting around waiting to die."

I gritted my teeth trying to stay calm. There has to be a way out of this.

"Did he just say what I think he just said?" Louise asked in a trembling voice.

Startled I stood up and quickly tried to console her, "look he's just a dog, don't listen to him. Nothing is going to happen. I'm not letting us die."

The others just stared speechless as Louise started weeping.

"You're not helping enough," Zula stated curling up next to her.

"What did he tell you?" Emma asked handing Louise a box of tissues she had found.

"Don't worry about it. I'm going to get us out of here."

"But professor Blake is right outside," Zoe reminded looking towards the sealed wall.

"There's another passage but there's a spell on it," Heath groaned walking over to us sluggishly.

"They are perfectly fine here," Lear encouraged still standing his ground at the entrance.

"A spell?" I ignored him and looked at Heath.

"Spell? What kind of spell?" Maggi question as she still searched through the boxes. I held up my hand telling her to wait as I listened to him.

"There's a brick around here somewhere that has some kind of writing on it. Say it and it opens."

"How do you know this? How could it be that simple?"

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