Chapter 3

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As I awoke I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't, the light in the room was so painfully blinding. Every time I tried to even peek at my surroundings I would have to close my eyes straight away. It burns so badly at even the slightest bit of light.

That's not even the strangest thing, the thing is is that I don't remember falling asleep.. I don't remember going to bed.

Wasn't I with Peej? What the fuck is going on? Where is PJ? More importantly where hell am I?

I lied there awake with my eyes closed, going over several possible answers for these questions. Only a few minutes had passed until I heard shuffling across the room.

"Oh shit, sorry. I guess they forgot to turn the lights off," the voice said in a worried tone. After I heard the tiny click of the light switch I quickly opened my eyes. I sat up immediately and looked at the person. Which was a huge mistake, my head started hurting really badly. I laid back down and cradled my head in my hands.

The guy by the door had turned a lamp on in the corner of the room. It was hard to look at but it wasn't nearly as bad as the main light above.

"How did I end up here? Where's PJ? Why the hell are my eyes burning so much when I look at the light? Wh-"

"Calm down Daniel. You're in your new room, well my room as well bu-"

"Who are you?"

"Phil Lester, now if you'd actually let me explain. Most of the other rooms are being worked on at the moment so you're my new roommate for now. This is the school dorms, I'll explain the light situation later, and PJ is in the dining hall."

"I don't suppose I'd be able to go down there by any chance," If at any chance I could survive the pain.

"No your body is still adjusting; hence the reason you can't see in the light as well as you used to."

"What's happened to me?"

"You've changed."

"What do you mean 'changed'?"

"You're no longer completely human...or mortal."

"Ha, yeah right. So what you're staying is that I'm what? A werewolf or something? Don't be ridiculous."

"I'm being completely serious. And actually no, you're part vampire now," what is going on in this place? This can't be true, can it?

"That means you're a vampire. Prove it then," he walked abnormally fast across the room leaning in close to my face making me back down further into my pillow. He smiled showing his gleaming white teeth. I momentarily took this chance to admired the quite lovely structure of his face just before his two eye-teeth started forming into fangs.

"What the actual fu-"

"I told you, Daniel," he replied, holding in a laugh obviously enjoying my response as he backed up, his teeth going back to normal.

So vampires are a thing now, okay. I'm also partially a vampire too. I guess I could live with this..

"It's Dan thank you."

"I just told you the biggest secret known to man and you're only reaction is that I called you Daniel?"

"I had my assumptions that you were real. And really I hate being called Daniel. I go by Dan."

"I know, Chris mentioned that but also said it'd bug you if I called you Daniel instead. So you obviously know which path I took."

"You've talked to Chris? Is he okay? What about Joe or Luke?"

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