Chapter 20

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"What's down there?"
She asked moments after the light had been thrown down.

"Nothing you want to see right now," I yelled still looking around, "but there's another spell in here."


The room I had fallen into was rectangular shaped, and the furthest wall from the hole where I dropped had another word on it.

I walked back over to the entrance flinching at the cracking my feet made with each step, "you guys can drop down now."

"Oh my go-" Zoe started to scream as she fell, making the rats run from her.

"You can't let Blake know we're down here," I whispered in a hushed tone, covering her mouth.

I caught Zula as Louise dropped her down and Rocket had jumped of course landing on his feet. When eventually all five of us were down in the space Maggs decided to say the word this time.

Maggi took a step towards the wall and spoke gently, "Apertus."

The rest of us stepped back quickly in case of another door opening bellow us. The wall then began to shift and the floor above and beneath us began to shake.

"Blake is definitely going to notice that," Louise mumbled following Maggi into the dark room.

"What's in there?"

"The torch isn't bright enough but it—" I then heard Maggi yelp along with the sound of rocks crumbling.

"Maggi?" Zoe questioned getting closer to the opening.

"There's a huge drop off a few meters away from the door."

I ran inside just as she pulled herself above the edge, "are you okay?" I asked knowing the answer already.

"Of course," she replied brushing the dust from her jeans.

"The stairs don't lead up?" Emma questioned shining one of the torches towards the right of us.

"Looks like we'll just have to go down."

"I don't like this," Zoe complained, "something just feels off about this whole thing."

"There's no time to go back now. We have to keep going."

"We can't go back," Maggi agreed.

We all began to make our way down the narrow stairs clinging to the wall with each step.

"Did you hear that?" Maggi whispered a few moments later.

Truthfully I had been hearing the same voices from this afternoon say the same thing over and over again since we opened the second door.

'He's here'

I ignored them hoping they would stop.

"Yes for half an hour, but did they hear them?" I asked glancing back at the others.

"What were they suppose to hear?" Zula questioned walking along beside me. I hadn't even noticed she had been there.

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