Chapter 17

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"You can't stop him."
"It's the Dark Mist."
"He's coming."

"Dan!" I jolted up from my bed drenched in sweat, grasping at Phil's shirt trying to breath as he stood above me, "Wake up!"

Breathing heavily, I let go and tried to remember what happened.

"You were having a of a nightmare," Phil said now sitting beside me, brushing my damp hair out of my eyes, "It's okay now."


"I know I heard it too. In fact I think the whole school did, it's the fairies, they came to us in our dreams. Although I have a feeling the voices you heard did not come from the fairies."

"Fairies?" be open minded Dan, of course fairies exist, "then who told me?"

First the blood rain and now a warning from some kind of dream fairies; I think the war will be upon us sooner than we thought.

"I know you saw that day in my memories, you know, the day Alec first came here. I know I didn't explain it well the other day," he frowned and stopped messing with my hair, "He came in order of Xavier to take out all of the failed attempts Allana saved; the Remaining. There were maybe at least seventy of us. Only ten are left," Phil looked scared and worried but I don't blame him, I would be too if I had seen all of my friends killed right in front of me, especially if it had been someone like Theo.

"There's two possible answers as to who possessed your dream. One would be the ghosts of the school, or the more unlikely of the two, it could have from within the shadow realm."

"So you knew they were still there?"

"Of course I knew," he looked regretful, "I just don't want you to get taken too."

"What if it was them?"

"Then you should probably not go looking for them if they told you to leave. If they've been there this long then they're not truly themselves anymore."

I sat up straight in the bed and watched the door as the sound of running foot steps gradually became louder.

"They're all awake."

"I'm not surprised, they need answers."

"Phil?" I said suddenly panicked as a pained realization went through me.

"Yeah Bear?" He's never going to get over last night.

If he does come back, what will he want? Is he going to take you? I know I said I wanted him here but I don't want him here if it's because of you."

At first he seemed shocked but them shook his head and smiled, "I'm not going anywhere."

Phil and I must have fallen asleep after that. He knew I didn't want to be alone even if he would be right across the room. I laid awake for couple hours as Phil had fallen asleep merely minutes after laying down.

My eyes shot open as I heard the door creak open.

"Did you guys hear about the fairies?"

I closed my eyes and snuggled in closer to Phil.


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