Chapter 4

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"I can't get them back to normal. I've tried numerous times but they won't go away."

Phil had opened the door to professor Blake's room. As we entered we noticed he was in the middle of talking to another student.

"Close your eyes. Breath and just think about what you're trying to achieve, and count back from ten. You've done this countless times before," the boy did as told and the professor looked over at us for a brief moment. As Phil walked closer so did I. The boy that Blake had been talking to looked to be around my age, he had brown hair and was way shorter than I was. He had ears though on top of his head, cat ears to be exact.

"Animal morphing," Phil whispered knowing I'd be completely lost about this situation. And just as Phil stated the kids ability, his cat ears had disappeared.

"Are they gone?" the boy asked opening one eye then the other. Although his ears were pretty odd, the oddest thing is that he's American.

Last time I checked we were in the middle of London. I know that American's can live here too, obviously, but I was just surprised. I bet there are a lot more here than you'd think.

"Yes Connor, the ears are gone. You've had your ability for a year now and it's hard to believe you still can't control it."

"Sorry professor, it's just a little difficult some times."

"Just do as I told you just then if it ever seems to get 'difficult' to control again. Here's a secret, it's all in your mind. Find a way to control it that suits you."

"Yes sir, thank you," the boy passed me brushing against my shoulder as he left. He looked back briefly before leaving all together.

"How may I help you Philip?"

"Dan Howell has somehow turned himself invisible."

"Ah, the new one. Dan I presume you heard me talking to Connor, yes?" Blake questioned looking around, given not knowing my exact whereabouts.

"Yes sir."

"Do as I told him. Close your eyes, clear your mind of any but what you are wanting to achieve, and just breath for ten seconds."

I closed my eyes and tried concentrating on being visible again.

It's all in your head, Dan.

"Dan?" Phil asked just as my ten seconds were finally up.


"You're a cat," he replied flatly, now frowning.

"Wha- oh," I looked down and sure enough I had fur and paws. Not again. What could it be this time?

"Oh dear, it's happened again. Let me see your ha- paw," I lifted my arm up to Blake's hand as he crouched down.

"How is this happening? First I'm invisible, and now I'm a freaking cat?"

"It all makes since now," he replied a couple of seconds later.

"What is it?" Phil asked taking a step closer.

"He has ability mimicry. He can only copy; but he can't take away, it's not power negation."

"That's incredible! See Dan, I told you early gifts are special unique ones. There's only ever been three power absorbers before, and that was decades and centuries ago," Phil said looking genuinely happy for me.

"Now that that's sorted, try that helping technique again," Professor Blake suggested.

It wasn't long before I was.. well what I would want to call human again. I guess that isn't the case anymore, because I'm not human anymore. I mean, feel human, I feel alive, the only thing I can't feel is my heart beat or the blood that once pulsed through my veins; and I never will again.

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