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"Dan! Dan wake up! He's gone! You have to wake up!" I groggily opening my eyes gazing upon a blurred Maggi.

"What happened?"

"I don't know he grabbed your arm and just vanished from Luke. The sun is starting to rise."

He can't be in day light.

"We need to find help. Emma isn't breathing."

"Okay, yeah," I replied still a little out of it, as she helped me up.

After looking down at Luke's lifeless body beside me I ran to the nearest entrance.

"Louise said it was locked."

"Not anymore," I replied shoving the door hard making the glass shatter and the door caved in.


I swear he was screaming and I can't stop hearing it.


"I'm going to ask one more time— where is Phil?"

I looked around at the crowd full of faces but none of them belonging to him.

"Dan," Peej said is the quietest voice, "let's go talk somewhere else."

"Just tell me."

"He's gone, Dan," Chris answered stepping forward.

I can't verbally express the pain. It was like my heart was melting.

"No, no!" I screamed backing away, "he was suppose to live! I touched Alec, I can use his power?"

"Dan, you need to calm down," Allana said coming through the circle of people.

"No. You promised me he would be okay."


Of course she put me asleep. I swear after I'm done killing Xavier I'm going straight after Allana.

She's had me locked up for about a month now. She allows Peej and Chris to visit, maybe even Louise on a good day. I asked to see Connor but she wouldn't let me.

I can still feel the cold and emptiness of Alec's hand against mine. I saw something that day, a memory I guess.

Three little kids, two boys and a girl, sitting around a fire place playing with the chess set.

Given his feelings in that moment in time, it all makes sense to me now. Alec isn't just one of Xavier's puppets, he's also their younger brother. So I'm guessing Allana doesn't want me to hurt him but I'm going to do anything to get my Phil back if it's the last thing I do.

I still have his ability. I've been practicing on remembering things and it's amazing. It's like watching us meet for the first time, getting to hold on to him that night knowing we were safe, and getting to see those oceany blue eyes of his.

So I've been thinking about the dark mist for a while now and I think I could be able to control it but only with Blake's help.

I said I would protect him but I failed. It doesn't mean I'm going to stop trying to get him back.

Prologue to the sequel 'Darkest War' has been published so please go read it I have so much planned ♥️

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