Chapter 16

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We didn't really talk after that. I just went to my classes and so did he.

I learned more on my ability and how to possibly gain Alec's ability; although it's never been attempted before. It's not like I'm going go looking for him. I've thought about it and I've decided that it's only incase of an emergency that I copy the Dark Mist.

After that, I learned the basics of healing without the ability and with the ability. I got to feed and water Jupiter.

I made plans with Connor for later today just to hang out. I was kind of happy to finally have more friends outside of our usual group.

I then painted some kind of starry field full of daisies. I never thought I had such a talent. But of course there's now red paint splatter across it because that's Chris' artistic point of view.

I then went to ability training where Phil and I stood side by side the whole time wordless. We kept getting strange looks from Chris and Peej, which we of course ignored.

Today I decided to have lunch with Connor, Troye, and Tyler. I couldn't find Phil, and I was not about to go over and get twenty questioned by my friends.

Maths is a subject that I feel isn't necessary as an immortal, but as it turns out you only have to take this class for as long as you would have if you were still a mortal. So as long as it's not forever I think I'll manage.

The class of all classes that I was most curious of was potions. And of course our teacher is the one who gave the class it's name, because honestly it's just science class mixed with a little magic and dragon scales.

Our teacher isn't a vampire at all he's actually a wizard. Which explains a lot. So today we made a temporary invisibility elixir. You should have seen Jenn's face.

I miss Phil. He's what I think about all the time. It's like I can't function without talking and seeing him more than at least twice a day.

But he needs his space and so I have to learn to accept that.

"You should really consider keeping the healing ability," Tyler mentioned as we turned onto a hall I familiar to me.

"I really like that tactile telepathy, and I really like Connor's ability actually, but I can only do as least two at a time at the moment."

"You'd rather have animal shapeshifting than the power to save a life?" Troye questioned opening yet another hidden door.

"Yeah at the moment."

The door actually lead outside to the back of the building. For some odd reason I was expecting tombstones or dead trees. Not a field of— it's my painting. It's three AM so it's still dark, and it's exactly like my painting from today.

"Then here," Connor replied holding his hand out towards mine. I snapped out of my thoughts and grabbed his hand for a minute as we continued to walk. I know it's not the same, but it felt wrong holding his hand instead of Phil's.

"What are you going to be now?" Tyler asked sitting down at a picnic table.

"Do the scariest animal you can think of," Troye suggested, going around Tyler to sit with the daisies.

I closed my eyes and thought about it, and it's one of my favorite animals.

"Dan? That's not scary. It's actually adorable."

I opened my eyes expecting to be much taller but instead I was sat staring at Tyler's legs.

"What did I do?"

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