Chapter 9

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I don't feel any different.
I don't feel dead.
I really don't feel much of anything actually. Maybe just more alert I guess.

Phil had brought me back to our room and Maggi back to her's and Louise's. Luna had put us to sleep two days ago. The whole time I've been at this school I've never been as awake as I am now. I've always felt sleepy and tired.

Phil left ages ago to get back to his studies. I was left here to recuperate, and read up on some things. Like how I need to drink blood within the next day or I'll become really ill. I'm still not sure of that situation but I figure it out soon..

I've also read about my powers. Not many studies have been documented on it, but it says I can duplicate probably up to five different powers at the same time. That is if I practice at it long enough. Earlier today I ventured into the library with Phil to obtain the books, and I picked out a few on Louise's gift. It's my favorite by far. I can talk to any animal I want, even a fish.

Phil says he wants a hamster or a guinea pig, and he wants me to translate for him. He's really strange sometimes. More recently he's become less serious all the time, and more nice and almost adorable.

As I picked up my next novel, the door slung open revealing a shirtless, very sweat drenched Phil.

"What happened to you?" I asked tossing the book back on the bed, really trying not to stare.

"Training," he replied walking over to his wardrobe.

"You mean, we have to do actual physical training?" Anything that requires great physical movement is a no for me.

"We are literally preparing for a war and it honestly didn't cross your mind that you'd have to do fight training?"

"I was too consumed by the thought of dying, and discovering inhuman abilities to ponder on a subject such as that," I frowned realizing that it wouldn't be long before I would eventually have to leave the comfort of this room. Phil won't always be there either.

"Well now you have something to look forward to," he smiled, now walking towards the door, "I'm going to go take a shower, I'll be back later to walk with you to dinner."

"Okay," I replied feeling almost solemn at seeing him leave. It's like I'm lost when he's not here.

I just know he's going to basically force me to drink blood this time. PJ offered me some this morning, and I couldn't even look at it let alone drink it. Phil's blood that night was different though, it was kind of sweet and- I don't know. I liked it. Why can't it all be like that.

I must have fallen asleep, because Phil was now gently shaking my shoulder, "Dan, you need to wake up."

I grabbed his hand pulling him closer, now holding onto his arm. I somehow unintentionally made him fall onto the empty portion of my bed.

So that's the super strength I've been told about.

"Dan. This is not how you tell someone no."

"Of course it is," I replied, my eyes remaining shut.

"You can't dwell in here your whole existence," he whispered, "you need to face your fears instead of procrastinating."

I opened my eyes looking directly into his ocean-y blue ones.

As I stared I could see myself. Not now but- I'm not sure how to explain it. I was asleep, not in here but on the bed in Allana's other room.

"Why can't she wake him up?" I heard Phil ask, while Allana then appeared by my still body.

"Sometimes it just take patients, he'll awake when he's ready."

These are his memories. Phil's memories of that night. It's because I touched him, I can see though his eyes.

"Okay," Phil muttered as he reached out and grasped my hand.

I blinked, and then suddenly began to see the original setting around me. It was at least a couple of minute that I was away in his thoughts, and yet Phil had continued to lie beside me.

"You're right," I mumbled in the same tone he had before.

Luna had failed to wake me up. Phil, though only knowing me for less than a week, sat by me holding my hand almost the whole time I was asleep waiting for me to come back.

He pulled me up from the bed grinning at his little accomplishment. Phil waited for me by the door as I fixed my hair. He has to be the nicest person I've ever met.

"Took you guys long enough," Louise said as we took our seats at the table.

"I fell asleep," I replied staring at my food.

"At this time o-"

"Don't just stare at it," Chris chimed in before PJ could finish.

My head shot up like I had been caught doing something wrong.

"Leave him alone," Louise said smacking his arm.

"No, he's right, he needs to do it," Phil said looking me hopeful. I can't say no to that face.

I slowly reached my hand across my tray, and took the crystal glass. I then held my breath as I brought it towards my mouth. As everyone watched I took a small sip.

"So?" PJ wondered staring like all the others.

"It's not horrible," I answered taking in a bit more, as I knew Phil wouldn't let me leave the table until it was gone.

"I don't understand why this is so hard for you," Maggi said sitting across from me.

"Not everyone can be as perfect as you, Maggs," I retorted glaring at her. It's the way she said it. And I'm not sure why but it irritated me more than anything that she hasn't been bothered by any of this at all.

"Maybe it's because you were bitten by Phil," Zoe suggested just now sitting down at the table with us along with Emma.

"Yeah, we were all bitten by Allana," Emma continued as she ate.

Why didn't he tell me? Why didn't anyone tell me before now? That explains a lot if you think about it. I'm the first kid here who hasn't been changed by an Elder, an Original.

Here you go BigLionLittlePenguin :)

I don't really plan on updating until after Christmas so Merry Christmas guys!! 

~ Lauri

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