Part 23 One last time

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„Hello" Perrie said when she went into the kitchen.

„Hey" I said. Louis didn't return so probably Perrie came with Zayn. „I'm alright." I said. And she smiled. „I knew you would ask that. Everybody asking me this question."

„Because they care" She said.

„I know" I said.

„Why are you so sad?" She asked.

„Because...." I said and tears appeared in my eyes. I don't know why I cry, or why I'm sad, but the idea that probably I don't will never see Louis again after my family appear caused me pain. Much more than memories. And I knew that pain. I don't know from where or how. It's a different but also the same.

„Hey" Perrie said and hug me. „Is your sadness cause of the blue-eyes guy who lives here?"

„Liam found out who I am." And when my family appear I'll have to go with them."

„So you sad because of this?" He asked. I couldn't open to her that easy and I couldn't say that I sad because I don't want to leave Louis.

„Probably" I said.

„You Always can come back and visit Louis and guys." She said.

„I afraid that if I remember it wouldn't good idea come back" I said.

„What do you mean?" she asked.

„Promise not to say anything"

„I promise" she said immediately.

„I have a feeling that this is what I remembered was just a little thing. I think in my life was a lot more pain than I can remember and I think I loss my memories it's because I wanted to forget it. I don't know what it is and I can't remember but I feel it." I told her.

„And you don't want to bring pain to boys life" she said and I nodded. „But what if yout instincts lying to you? What if it's just a false sense?"

„Time will show" I said.

„So why you so sad now?" She asked „You can be sad if your hunch paid off."

„Maybe we should go to the boys?" I asked.

„They talk about their own business." Perrie said. „You just think what I said to you. After all, you can just live day by day and see where fate take you"

„I'll live like that when I know all about myself." I said.

„When you have to wait." Perrie said. And she right I have to wait and see where fate will take me.

This few days I spend with Louis. I even go in the studio with him. I listened to his voice. Although I spend lot of time with other guys to. I know that this may be my last days with them all, but I'm sad because this could me my last days with Louis. And I don't want that. Sometimes I think it would be better if I wouldn't remember anything. But I know that I couldn't live in peace ever. Everything that I am is in my past. And that I could move forward I have to know that hiding in my past.

„Delaney" Louis came into my room little bit upset.


„You have a visitor" He said. I looked at him and slowly stood up. My heart felt it, but I was to scared to tell him the truth. When I entered to the livingroom I saw a guy. He looks two years older than me although I don't know exactly how many.

„Dela" He said and I already knew him.

„Conrad" I said and quickly run and hug him. I couldn't hold my tears. Joy mixed with sadness. Yes this is it, and my heart is breaking.

„I missed you so, If only I'd know." My Brother said.

„It's alright." I said, Although it wasn't. In my minds was just Louis. Why it's happening?

„Now you get home and everything will be alright." Conrad said.

I knew that it's not true, yeaa maybe I'll rememeber but I'll not be happy."

„Home" I said and retreated. I turned to Louis, he just nodded sadly.

„I told you that everything will be fine, that you return to your family." Louis said and as I reached him I hug him, I hug him like my life be depends on it.

„Thank you" I said.

„I know that you two want to say goodbye, but we should go." Conrad said.

„I know" Louis said. „I escort you" Louis took me by my hand and both moved toward door. I quickly put jacket and boots.

„Bye" Louis said.

„Bye" I said, this is it. I see Louis the last time. „I will miss you"

„I will miss you more" He said. I wanted to tell him. Tell him those three words. „Be safe"

„Bye" I said it again and strongly embrace him one last lime. I love you Louis. I managed to say it but just in my mind.

„Bye." Conrad took me and when the door was closed and Louis remained behind them. I realized how strong my love is. So strong that even hurt.

„I love you Louis" I said quietly. The lift opened.

„We going home" Conrad said.

„We going home" I said but I didn't know what home mean. In my memories home is there, where Louis is, and now I leaving them. The most important thing is that my heart stays here.



If I get more readers and if you want it, I'll continue this story. just let me know :)

Miglė <3

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